Clyde's daily schedule

Clyde's Daily Schedule

Coffee is NO sleep substitute!

This is how I get 'PUMPED' for an exam.

Please Note: I will skip a class or two for a necessary beauty nap. If I find myself distracted during nap, the penalty for the disturber is quite brutal!

For your inconvenience, I have listed my class schedule. For my convenience, I won't tell you where my class is.


11:30pm -  1:00pm   Lap Swim
 6:00pm -  7:30pm   The Dynamic Earth


11:45am - 12:45pm   Wildlife Identification and Taxonomy
 2:00pm -  5:00pm   W.I.T. Lab


11:30am -  1:00pm   Lab Dance
 6:00pm -  6:45pm   The Dynamic Ear
 7:00pm - 10:00pm   Recreational Volleyball

11:45am - 12:45pm   W.I.T.
 2:00pm -  5:00pm   The Dynamic Earth Lab

 2:00pm -  5:00pm   Recreational Activites
 7:00pm - 10:30pm   Volleyball/Hockey/Skiing/SRC
11:00pm -  4:00am   Dancing at local bars :)

Now, this doesn't mean that I have other activities going on in my day. Like on Monday and Wednesdays at 12-1pm, I go to the rink to skate and work on my slap-shot.

I keep weekday evenings open for intermurals at UAF. So far, I've participated in broomball, volleyball, basketball, 5k Run, and Waterpolo. Of these, my favorites are volleyball and waterpolo. I have serious potential in these sports.

On Fridays, I may go home for the weekend depending on homework volume. (Don't forget hockey games). There are also study sessions with friends and fellow potential class-flunkees. If I flunk a class because of you, you are dead-shit! Please feel free to bug me via email.

[The Clyde Spot]

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