I've been doing a lot of ranting lately. Fairbanks is deteriorating due to an influx of ''those kind of women''. Guys are cranky up there and no fun to hang around. So for me to vent, I make a series of webpages.
I've been noticing a deterioration with TV lately along with Fairbanks. It's like watching all those hours of fluff on cable channels. How many CSI's and Law & Order's can they spawn off. What's next? CSI: Anchorage? Law & Order: Mountain View, Alaska? NYPD: Chartreuse?
I've been seeing a lot of unhappy couples in town. They weren't intended to be married but a certain mistake happened a couple of months previous and they were forced into it. I can't recall how many countless times I've seen couples fighting in the aisles of Wal*Mart, Fred Meyer, Safeway, or in the Sears store.
I don't get why so many incompatible couples wed. They have kids and put the kids thru some sick situations. The funny thing is, they try to act enamored with each other when I stroll down the aisle grinning ear to ear cos I'm single and happy and I know that their love is just an act.
I told my friend about a scientifically-proven fact recently. Sex really does end after marriage. For some reason, it tends to cause more infertiliity these days. From an Alanis Morissette-type wife constantly kicking her husband in the nuts.
I got chewed out for not attending my high school reunion recently. I know that people don't change, especially a couple of people who I went to high school with. I won't mention names but I knew how they were gonna behave. Luckily, I had a call from work to go to a fire near Tok and I heeded that call. A couple people from my graduating class were also on the fire and they were the best people that I could've hung out with.
So, I asked several people about what happened at our reunion and the 3 people that I wanted to avoid did act exactly how I predicted them to act. I'm glad I didn't go to the reunion and subject myself to the torment similar to that which some supposed friends that I used to watch ER with also put me thru.
An improvement in driving by ''foreigners''? I've noticed fewer people riding my ass as I drive my truck thru Fairbanks. People are also driving slower on the icier roads and not nearly side-swiping me as I pass thru an intersection after I get my long-awaited green light. Now if people would only take this new attitude to their personal lives and quit being so bitter and gripey.
I hate other people's kids even more now. Parents just don't discipline their kids these days. Kids need to be spanked when they're young and scolded/grounded when they're older. Kids these days are whiny, unruly, and animal-like. I guess the new age form of discipline is developed to enhance their ''self-esteem''. The kid has to have discipline before he/she can esteem his/her self.
Did I end up in France? I've been studying the customer aspect of businesses lately and by golly, could people BE any more rude these days? I've heard swearing, demanding, domineering, and complete condescension towards service-type people who are getting paid near mininum wage and working 16 hours a day. In the old days, these people used to be weeded out by Natural Selection cos normal people couldn't stand to hear their whining all day.
Yes, I still don't wanna hear it after work. I've been working long hours, long stretches without days off, and it less-ideal conditions than most people. The last true weekend I had was in April and it's now September. Trust me, it's all going into my student loans.
I'm getting asked less about my race these days. People have been assuming that I am what I'm not and directing racist actions that way to me. I didn't realize those people had it so bad. It is how they say it is on TV. Now if I could only be ''endowed'' like one of them....
The case of another woman who thinks she's hot but not necessarily directed at me. She's a typical 29 year old woman who's VERY close to 30 and who constantly needs to be reassured by younger guys that she's ''still'' hot. Not in my book but oh well. We just got out of The Field from a 2 week stint and the moment we get off the helicopter, she approaches us in a skimpy tank top poking her chest out and flirts with us. I knew that she was going to do that and went out of my way to not look in her direction. She was just doing that to add things to her ego.
I've been getting a lot of flack for not being married at 28 these days. At least I'm not in a loveless marriage (as described above) or divorced like most people my age who married at a much younger age have. Some people from my class are working on marriage #4!
I guess seeing that I worked with some old-fashioned people this summer. By comparison, I pretty much have to look new-aged. Old-fashioned people also don't like to be referred to as such.
So my bad luck with my dental alignment isn't genetic. It's mixed genetics. I have one parental upper jaw and the other parental lower jaw. Then my upper teeth belong the opposite parent, then the lower teeth belong to the other opposite parent. My teeth are in excellent shape and my jaw's way strong and prominent. That needs to be corrected and my lower jaw will most likely be reset further back a few mm's.
My orthodontist was impressed with the remarkable cleanliness of my teeth. I brush them every chance I get and use floss, twice as much as most average people use it. That's my forte. I heard that chewing sugar-free gum helps so I do that as often as I'm in public. So to that bigot who said I had ethnic teeth and reminded me of it every time he saw me.... FUCK YOU!
The following is just a rough-draft ramble. Don't read into it too much.
I haven't been doing to well with friends of friends of mine lately. I know that the friend of his/hers is a good person but when I try to open up with him/her, it's all weird and I find myself with nothing to talk about with them. I had seen one of a friends of a friend of mine at a volleyball and I forgot who he was at first and it took me about 2 minutes to figure it out so I decided to not acknowledge him. Eventually, our mutual friend wound up sitting next to us and we talked a little about typical items and the other dude mentioned ''Dude, you nosed-up at me earlier''. The only thing I could say was ''I sneezed because of bright sunlight''.
I had wore some color-enhancing lenses which turned my green eyes blue and someone remarked to me that ''Black people don't have blue eyes''. I should show her next time that I indeed aren't black, physically, somehow.
I had posted some words on a BLOG that one republican-styled person found offensive. He rudely asked me to keep my opinions to myself. He was trying to draw my response basically, to piss me off and than I would retaliate. I did nothing. Someone else responded in my defense and he responded to this guy as if he was saying the offensive words. He called his victory too soon cos he didn't get the reaction from ME like he wanted.
Stage fright always seems to draw the hugest laugh. I don't get it but when I spew out those words at the right time, it goes over too well!
Yes, I didn't repsond to your numerous emails because your address's blocked. I don't have to deal with your mind games anymore, bitch/bastard! You know who/what you are!
I was at Fred Meyer and I ran into a former friend's dad. He still spoke to me civilly even tho I at first tried to avoid talking to him. It's amazing how that friend tells me that we're no longer friends but all his/her friends and family still speaks to me. One of his/friends told that that I should call him/her. I said ''I don't think so''.
America, you're getting too sensitive. All you saw was a naked back. The Desperate Housewives/Monday Night Football deal was blown WAY OUT of proportion. I don't hear anyone complaining about the cheerleaders practically baring their twats on camera on the sidelines. The only problem that republicans were complaining about was a white woman jumping onto a Black man. If she were to jump onto Peyton Manning, nobody would've cared.
I really despise this action by my friends. Every single clique I'm associated with does this to me. It's setting me up. On top of that, I get set up with the UGLIEST chick all the time. That offends me the most. I've said it once or twice, well ten times before and I'll say it again. Setting up your friends with someone who's ugly is ultra-offensive.
This actually happened to me in Delta of all places. There are more people my age in town and I get to hang out with people for once. I kept wondering why this one girl kept calling me a lot, kept insisting that we hang out, and then go to this formal function where each person's allowed a guest. I had to draw the line there. Appearantly, my friends told her that I liked her which wasn't the case and they insisted that she go in for the stab. Now suddenly, I'm this jerk again. I don't think so, I've never expressed any interest in this woman whatsoever, and she's not attractive either.
Here's the ''date'' deal. It's hours before the formal function and another friend of mine said ''She needs a date, just go as her friend''. My reply was ''No, I don't want her to get any false ideas. If I go on this function with her, other people will think that she and I are dating and she will also think we're dating, so, no'' My friend than said ''Not even as a friend?'' My reply was ''Not even as a friend, friends don't go to formal functions together without getting ideas''. Than she was like ''Ahhh...poor (Ramona)''. I summed it up with ''I know!''
To add fuel to my flames there, a dude that was at this function mentioned ''This function would've been better if I had a date with me'' So I had a good call on this function, for the sole purpose of getting dates.
Summary, if you have a friend who's an 8 (me) on a scale of hotness, don't set him up with someone who's a 1 (Sean's sister) or and 0.5 (the person so mentioned above). As they said on Joey, you can date someone who's either two numbers above or below you, so seeing that I'm an 8, I can date a 6 (although I probably wouldn't want to) or I can date a 10 (although she probably wouldn't want to).
So, when it comes to this dating deal and being set up (this is a slightly different subject on a slightly different day). I made mention of what I look for in a woman. Seeing that I'm dark haired and relatively dark eyed (olive drab eyes), I don't look for that in a woman, I tend to like my opposite as mentioned in a previous Day document. I told some of my friends this. I don't date short, dark-haired, dark-eyed women. Well, one of my female friends said it's ok for me to date from a pool of women who I don't normally date (i.e. ''Romona''). Then I used my braces to my advantage. I then said ''If I kiss a woman, it's gonna hurt like hell, I have braces and all. For the kiss to be worth it, she better be at least an 8 on a scale of 10, 10 being absolutely Swedish. This left Janessa out of the picture completely.
Then I was jogging one afternoon and I saw Janessa out and about. I think she expected me to stop jogging and talk to her but I kept running. I was working out and hadn't planned on stopping at that point, it would've done me bad in that situation. I told my other friend that I saw ''Ramona'' on the road when I was jugging and only waved. She asked me ''Why didn't you stop running and talk to her?'' My reply was ''I wouldn't have even stopped for The President... well, I would've stopped for Cameron Diaz but not the president.''
So if there was any doubt that I don't like ''Ramona'', I can only hope that I put those doubts to rest!
[Clyde's Web Pad]
[Clyde's Day, the original]
Here I come to realize that my Clyde's Days are just like these CSI and Law & Order spin-offs. Only difference is, my Clyde's Days documents aren't exact photocopies of one another like all 5 of the CSI shows are.