Author: Clyde 'Taco' Bell :)
Item 1: Yes, some things mentioned in my pages are non-conservative and VERY controversial. (And PLAQUED with typoes)
Item 2: Front teeth 95% straightened, back teeth, long way to go but getting there.
Item 3: Now the bald bigot can quick making comments about my ''ethnic teeth'' that I get from the white side of my family.
Item 4: Lisa V. needs to remove the reference to my webpage from her webpage. And her friends need to quit telling me to contact her.
Item 5: Since Jennifer has my email address I have blocked hers and any reference to her name. One missed email and YOU'RE OUT!
I've had too many people whine about me not censoring my pages, and telling me not to include certain items. So gander at my [Disclaimer] before looking at my page. I prefer to be not-politically correct. PC's is for dummies and morons!
My most popular document has been my names document. It lists the strange combination of first and last names that make a funny word or phrase. Some names are a huge stretch to be funny and include a middle initial or name. Other names may contain just initials.
2003 was the year of the Bitch/Butch. What will 2004 bring?
2004 brings on many mosquitoes and rain from hell at first which lead to a Godsend of a drought :D. It's almost as bad as the naggy, whiny, dykey bitch of 2003. Nothing can be that bad. On a side note. On a short-haired woman of this new age: What says DYKE more than a haircut that says ''Who needs men?''?
I'm done with firefighting for the season and after a small break, I'll be ready for a new job. I think that Forestry spoiled me this summer. I still didn't meet the financial needs to have my shoulders reconstruced. :(
I worked for a month in Chicken, AK on a fire. It was very strange there. I'm still normal. It was very reminiscent of Northern Exposure but less normal.
''White Fag'' by Dido is further proof that:
On January 31, 2004. I celebrated my 8th year on the web without cancellation. The celebration involved me being on a plane in the very front aisle staring at the wall for 8 hours with some stranger falling asleep on my shoulder.
Despite needing $50,000+ to repair joints in my shoulders, the joints in my jaw, my left elbow, and to straighten my teeth; I've been given a clean bill of health pending solutions to the above said problems. I was diagnosed with all these problems at once in early April 03. The second and third opinions I got also concurred that my upper body joints suck. My mental health was considered exellent to.... contrary to popular belief. ;)
Phases one and two of my medical needs will be accomplished over the next 18-24 months. I'm getting braces and will have some work done on my jaw. My lower jaw's too strong for my upper. That will set me back very far, financially!
Fairbanksans like to spill their drinks on people. I've seen it happen, or almost happen many times in 2004 alone. It almost happened to me once even over a horrible song comment I made.
Check out the things I go thru. Sheesh!
And if you want to correct your lack of taste in music. See who gets My Nods and see what it takes to have REAL talent!
This is a file that assesses a person's stereotype based on the music he/she/both listens to. See how you stack up and how accurate my stereotype of you is! If this document offends you, refer to my Disclaimer and seek someone or a profesional nature.
I will make a list of songs that sound the very similar. This is a public service and may be used in court by artists to sue the shit out of each other.
Granted it's only in its conception phase, therefore, it's incomplete (kinda like the grades I get at UAF). It's my Page of One-Liners and Comebacks . It's a compilaitons of the trials and tribulations of my day-to-day life of putdowns that I've faced and the jokes that make up my life.
You may have found my page by doing a 'Clyde Bell UAF' search on I'm flattered that you took the time to look me up on the internet. I know this because this site takes cookies against my will.
If you are looking for me, I may be Looking For YOU!!!! Are you wanted? The list includes people who I have missed since 1993-2001! Update on Nov. 19, 2003. Now including dudes and dudesses up to 2002!!!
This is not a list of my friends. This is a list of people that I haven't heard since or before Fall Semester 2002!
You are visitor number: | ![]() | Thank You ;). |
If you are a specially numbered visitor to my site, you may win a prize, so send Me an Email to claim your prize, eh.
I decided to a search on my name with and I discovered something. I had ran a race in 97 and they published the results on the internet. Please look at how lousy of a runner I was in 97. I was recovering from an strained ACL that I suffered in October 96.
It all starts with one sentence, then you're hooked. So many Funny Sentences
For example: Alpha Cue up (I'll Fuck You Up!)
In Fairbanks, well I guess it works in most towns, I just dial 844 and get the time and temperature. Well, now you can view my webpage to get the same information and you won't hafta listen to those retarded adds. All you hafta do is read on and on as I babble on my webpage!
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One of my favorite past-times is making fun of other people's names. Please check out The List Of Funny Names.
To tell the truth. You are visitor number:
To access my page since March 1, 1998. :)
Am I online? Note, valid only until November 31, 2002!
Just a side note: If you found my site by chance; I'm not your soulmate, dream lover, lost love, or destiny. It's just a fucking chance occurence! Exception: you're female, 5'10 or taller, long blond hair, blue eyes, no children, or criminal record/history/intentions.
Speaking of Destiny (and a fucking chance occurence). Read about my Past Life. I found this small site by chance. Pretty spooky, eh?
Close-up shot of me in an old school play. |
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I was only 17 in this picture |
I come from a small town of Delta Junction, Alaska. I have lived there since June of 1976 until January of 1995 when I first started attending UAF. I graduated from Delta High School in May of 1994. The semester missing is Fall of 94. I lived at home and took correspondence college courses then.
This is an a pic of Delta from a helicopter. Just remember,
Photo by Nanci Ruthschild-Kennedy |
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Just who is Clyde 'Taco' Bell anyway? I revised my personal info page dramatically back in 01. For those of you who liked my old document...there's no way in hell you will see it again!
Speaking of Alanis, I'm posting 'lyrics' to her 'music'.
Thank U
Hand In My Pocket
You Learn
U Otta Know
Please observe my busy class schedule from Spring 01, this link is no longer current!. As you can see. I used to be pretty busy, eh. And in Fall 1997, I was very anemic and didn't have energy to do my physics, calc, and chem homework.
I will add some of my own advice and experience about volleyball as I progress further along in my knowledge of the game. ;)
This is me thinking pondering new ideas for my whizdumb files out on Angel Rocks, about an hours drive outside of Fairbanks. |
The Whizdumb/Wisdom documents are no longer available here. They might be on a dusty shelf somewhere not selling many copies (a complete flop). Seeing that a national company offered to publish my wisdom files, I have to transform them all into paragraph form. A part of the deal is that I have to remove them from my website. I can however make more offensive documents under a different name. ;)
So, in lieu of the wisdom documents. I offer you A Day In My Life. A blander version of what I used to have here.