W'aasup everyone and welcome to Players Inc.! The only website
dedicated to all those "Players" out there. To begin with, what exactly
is a "Player"? Webster's dictionary defines the word "play" as:

To amuse oneself, as in a recreation
To participate in (a game or sport)
To perform
To move lightly, rapidly, or sporadically
To strive against in a game
To fill in (a position) in a game
To gamble

Thus a "Player" is someone who performs all these activities described from
the above. Yet when we truly define the word into our own context, we see
that all of the above are applicable to what is really meant as a "Player" in the
90's. Hence allow us this opportunity for you out there to discover the true
meaning of the word and take this glorious chance to learn......
how to be a Player.

In this website, we will introduce to you the various "Players" that are situated
in the beautiful heart of British Columbia, Canada. This website will also include
pictures, infos, and all those things you ever want to know about life. So sit
back and enjoy
Players Inc.

Email us at rico_jin@hotmail.com
Please come back soon and visit us.


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