

Hi I'm Moridani.
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Music, Science, Sport and Travel.

My prime motive and aim is to construct an educational and personal webpage towards which I will continue to work and look forward to all comments and suggestions.

This website is created and maintained by "M. Y. Moridani". I studied my Ph.D. in the Department of Pharmacy at King’s College London (kcl). The project I had undertaken was to explore a novel treatment for thalassaemia. An overview of the subject as well as a brief discussion is presented in the thesis section.

Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Canada undertaking research under study directorship of Professor Peter O’Brien in the field of Drug Metabolism and Toxicology.

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My current position is Postdoctoral Fellow in Drug Metabolism and Toxicology for Professor Peter J. O’Brien, an eminent scientist in the field, at Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Canada. One of the current projects on which I am working is the toxicology of V11294, a novel potential anti-asthma drug. The second project is involved with the metabolism of riboflavonoid, falvonoid, and isoflavonoid antioxidants. The third project is concerned with the development of a device to predict and estimate the possibility of drug toxicity and metabolism more efficiently. So far we have found exciting results with regards to the said projects under the leadership of Professor O’Brien. Unfortunately, some aspects of the research I am undertaking have confidential nature. Therefore, I cannot reveal more details about the projects. I will share the results later on when I can.

To conduct these researches, we are using a variety of biological, biochemical, physico-chemical and chemical techniques. Freshly prepared rat hepatocytes are being used in our laboratory for toxicology studies. I am learning and using this method for toxicology studies on V11294 and its analogues, as anti-asthma agents. Furthermore, rat liver microsomes are used in our research for drug metabolism as to their high content of CP450 enzymes. Professor O'Brien's laboratory is well equipped with high-pressure liquid chromatography and UV-visible spectrophotometer instruments. Besides of all this it is a great fun to work with Professor O'Brien from whom I have learnt a great deal about the subjects of my current research. We also extensively use the LC/MS (liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry) and MS/MS for separation and identification of the products of metabolism studies and their molecular weights.

The title of my Ph.D. thesis was “3-Hydroxy-Pyridin-4-one Iron Chelators” which I studied under supervision of Professor R. C. Hider at Department of Pharmacy, King’s College London, Chelsea, London.

As a trained Pharmacist (Pharm.D.) and Medicinal Chemist (Ph.D.), I have experience and expertise in chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, analysis (UV and HPLC), cell culture technique and animal work experiences (I am holding an animal license).

I am familiar with NMR, IR, UV and Mass spectroscopies and have a very good working knowledge of biology, biochemistry and biopharmaceutics. I have gained experiences in protein purification (Ferritin) and handling and processing of radiopharmaceutical and biological samples.

I have also extensively studied the physico-chemical properties (partition coefficient, pKa and stability constants) and efficacy of a set of compounds using a rat model.

Using HPLC techniques, I have investigated the kinetic of enzymatic and non-enzymatic hydrolysis of a number of ester derivatives (prodrug) in biological samples such as blood, liver and intestinal homogenates as in-vitro models. I am also a trained phlebotomist and a computer literate in using both Macintosh and IBM compatible PC computers.

I am highly willing to learn from other member of staff and transfer my best of knowledge and expertise to those who may require.

Briefly, I have a life sciences degree, a strong technical background, communication and interpersonal skills, fine attention to details and organisational abilities of which I hope to be useful for establishing a career in a scientific field.

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