anything. Sorry. She's caustic and antisocial, prone to chain smoking and general rudeness. She's not well liked and couldn't care less. She hangs around the park on FurryMuck, lying under bushes or, when he's around, her buddy Arakis. She's prone to fits of
temper, hyperactivity and suffers from an acute
allergic reaction to
centaurs. Despite this, she is on fairly good terms with Loqu, the king of puns.
Her player is a sophomore in college, currently living with her parents. She loves art exchanges and such, so if you want a character drawn, drop her a line. If you catch her in a good mood, she just might. She's a big fan of Templeton, as well as SqueeRat. Her best friend online is Alecain,
although she's also quite fond of RonnieRaccoon and