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 Welcome to my spot on the Net!

Who's that?

Why, it's me, the Vicker!!

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  The Vicker was born, and all things were good. The year was 1979. It was good year, generally, not too windy, not too cold...but anyway, just good. Cue the 80's. There was no Internet (at least for public use), no digital satellite systems, no "Friends" or "Seinfeld"... but we were happy.

    All we needed were Smurfs and Colecovisions (a.k.a. "Ataris"). Once again things were good. Michael Jackson and Madonna were popular singers. The Beastie Boys and George Michaels were moving up the charts. Ok, so we didn't have the best taste in music...

 A few things about me...

  All right, I admit it, I am a nerd. I do all the typical nerdish things; I watch Star Trek, read a lot, and study. I own the game Axis and Allies. I love a good game of Trivial Pursuit. I successfully completed the Rubik's Cube by the time I was five (without peeling any of the stickers off). The possibility of time travel enraptures me. My science fair projects (which I enjoyed doing) went above and beyond the requirements. 

    I have loved computers and computer related issues since the age of four, when I became cognizant that they were an influential and necessary tool to forge a new reality in the 21st century, and make the world a better and more organized place to live. I am a 10 year member of Girl Scouts. Just the thought of a discussion about George Orwell's "1984", or Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" makes me weak at the knees. I think you get the point.

 But, Alas...

  There is another side of me other than the nerdish aspects of my personality. Actually, there are several sides (consider it like a three-dimensional polygon). I have very strong beliefs in the area of religion. I have a deep love of beauty and nature. I write poems and short stories. I love a good philosophical debate. I would do anything to help a person in need.

    Some have called me a, "goody two shoes," though I believe this analysis to be incorrect due to the fact that "goody two shoes" tend to judge others, which I do not. I think constantly about the meaning of life. I wonder what my role is, and what God has planned for me.

     I am strong willed, which I believe is a good and bad trait. I love to express my femininity. I am tall, curvaceous, strong, loving, fun, independent minded, and I love to say what is on my mind (if you're willing to listen). Like many females, I get "gushy" at the idea of romance. I love to watch romantic comedies. I have very intense dreams. I set a new goal for myself daily, and check to see if I have realized them on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

    I have very loving, supportive parents, who would be willing to do anything to see me not get hurt. I believe in others. I have a deep, unrelenting passion to find out new things. The love of knowledge is the love of my life (other than God, of course.) Simply stated, I am me.

  Vicker's Life: The Prequel...

  By the time I was born, my family owned a computer. They also owned a video recorder, on which they taped the various emotions and stages of my mother's pregnancy with me.  You may find these two factors normal, but, you have to understand that not many families had computers and video cameras back in 1979. The computer was a TRS-80. I learned my first programming language, BASIC, on it when I was four. I remember writing a program that played music and made my name infinitely scroll across the screen. I was enamored by it. Hey, I was only four! 

    When the day came to upgrade the computer from 4 Kbs to 8 Kbs, I was overjoyed!! "What program could there possibly be out there," I said to myself, "That would take up an entire 8 Kbs!" Ok, so I wasn't much of a forward thinker back then. Some of my best memories involve sitting in front of that computer for hours and hours.

    Naturally, when the TRS-80 'notebook' came out, my father bought two. I used mine to write stories and poems. It is completely obsolete from today's standpoint, but back then, it was cutting edge. You  finally had the ability to travel with your computer in hand!

    My father was very much into technology, and he influenced me greatly in the formative years. He owned one of the first modems (the kind with two holes that you but the telephone receive down on to transmit information), the first digital watch (he was very proud of this fact), and more computers and computer magazines (on disks, of course) by 1986.

  By the way, 1986 was the year that we bought the Amiga. What a wonderful system! It was so advanced for its time. It could do most anything, from 3D rendering to video editing. And the games!! They were like nothing I had ever seen before. Unfortunately, the Amiga saw an early demise because of an electrical storm. It didn't even have time to sing, "Daisy" before it knew what hit it. So then, we bought the latest model, with even more capabilities than the last. And so it goes......

     Currently, I am attending  the University of Texas, where I am studying how to study. No, really, I'm an English major, with a minor of Business Foundations. I am a junior at the university. Right now, I own an  HP Pavilion Pentium 500 MHz with 96 megs of ram and a 17 gig HD, a Compaq Pentium 120 MHz, and a second generation Texas Instruments laptop computer.

  Other Interests

wpe8.jpg (6460 bytes)    I also love Paul Simon.  His music has been a source of pleasure to me  since I was introduced to it at the age of four.  I noticed a tape that I thought said, "Simon & Garfield".   I asked for it to be put in the tape player, and since that moment his music has entranced me.  I own every record, CD, and tape that Paul has produced, and even collect various Paul Simon memorabilia. Everyone who knows me thinks I'm obsessed. Who knows, I did go to three of his concerts the summer of 1999 : )

    Writing. I have taken two creative writing classes, English 325 and English 309L, at The University of Texas. I plan to take more in the future.  I would ultimately like to be a writer (when I grow up).

  College Life

      • See the classes I've taken so far
  Places I Frequent On The Net


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   Friends & Associates


      A friend from way back in high school, who is still a friend in college is Tino! He goes to the Art Institute in Houston, and has the most potential of any young person that I have ever seen. See his Ilux page.





    Amber is a friend whose kindness goes way, way back to the 3rd grade. She moved to Austin this August, to my apartment complex, actually. So we've been spending a lot of time together.



A very good friend of mine whom I met at church is Brian! His wonderful talents include his awesome ability with words, and his cunning intelligence and wry wit. And guess what, girls? That's right, he's cute AND available!



     Callie has been a friend of mine since I was in the 5th grade. She continues to be a great friend, and we were even roommates my freshman year!



    Hal has been my best friend for three years now, ever since I moved to Austin. He has been my strongest supporter, and constantly by my side. You can see pictures of us together here.



  Home, Sweet Home


GetReal.gif (2560 bytes)  To see my apartment, get this! You won't be sorry....

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This page was last updated on 05/07/01.