1. What's your favorite band? Nine Inch Nails, Manic Street Preachers,
Idlewild, Muse, etc.
2. What's your favorite song at the moment? Just Like You Imagined
by NIN or Actually, its Darkness by Idlewild.
3. What's your all-time favorite song? Not even trying to answer that
4. What's your type of music? Industrial, grunge, punk, grrlie rock,
indie (in the UK - Muse, idlewild, 3CR, etc)
5. What's your opinion on rap/hip hop? No.
6. Alternative? Yes, but some people are clearly not alterative although
they think they are ; Semisonic? No.
7. Punk rock/swing/ska? Punk and Rock is good. Ska as in No Doubt or
Madness is okay.
8. Country? no
9. BSB or *NSync? It it were a life or death situation, backstreet
Boys. But Please…..
10. Have you ever owned a Marilyn Manson CD? No.
11. Do you like Pink Floyd? Yes.
12. Who's your favorite female singer? Shirley Manson, Tori Amos
13. Who's your favorite male singer? Trent Reznor, Matthew Bellamy,
Thom Yorke
14. Do you ever listen to pop? On the radio at work : you've got to
remember that it pays the bills of some of the other less profitable but
much better stars.
15. What's your favorite pop group/singer? The Beautiful South. They're
pop, but pop with clever and sometimes evil lyrics.
16. Jewel or Sheryl Crow? Jewel
17. Are you in a band? No.
18. Is your band famous, if you're in one?
19. Do you play guitar? Wonderwall, Bullet With Butterfly Wings.
20. What CD is in your CD player right now? At home it would be Symposium.
At this second in my MD is Californiaction.
21. Do you like any sort of oldies? I like the Beatles, Pink Floyd,
Led Zep. Pretty predictable.
22. If you turned your CD player to "radio", what kind of station would
it be on? Radio 1, but only if it were The Evening Session or The Rock
23. Do you like...
Korn? yes
Britney Spears? No. But Travis's cover of Baby One More Time? That
is class.
The Doors? yes
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy? No.
Sarah McLachlan? Kind of
Jay Z? no
Sublime? Yes
Lauryn Hill? Not my taste, but she's good.
25. What's the last CD you bought? The Smashing pumpkins single, about
1/2 an hour ago.
26. Are you in a CD club? No.
27. If you like ska, what's your favorite ska band?Madness?
28. Do you listen to boy bands? No.
29. Does it annoy you when they play alternative songs and/or country
songs on pop stations? We don't have enough radio stations in the UK.
30. Do you listen to country? no
31. How many CD's do you own? Over 500.
32. Do you have any rap CD's? I won the TQ one in a competition on
the radio, but have never used it.
33. Do you like making mix tapes? Yes. www.geocities.com/derbrookster/tapes
34. Who's your favorite country singer? No.
35. Spice Girls or All Saints? Neither, but at a push, All saints.
At least they write their own stuff.
36. Who's your favorite actor(actress)/musician? Courtney Love
37. How much do you know about your favorite band? Too much. But I
know someone who knows Nicky Wire's Milk order…
38. Come on...Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? No.
39. Do you own any CD's from a band that only had one hit? Deep Blue
Something ; Breakfast At Tiffanys.
40. Have you ever bought a whole CD for one song? Yes, most recently
Kittie's Spit (on import) and Seafood's Surviving The Quiet.
41. Do you ever wish you hadn't wasted your money any certain CD (and
what is it?) Alanis Morisette's second one. Oh. Dear.
42. Do you have the Forrest Gump soundtrack? no
43. Do you like Lynyrd Skynyrd? Sorry, who?
44. What band posters are on your wall? Garbage, Trent Reznor, Charlotte
from Ash.
46. Do you like the local music of your town? Fairly Indie.
47. What's your favorite soundtrack? Trainspotting.
48. What was your first CD? Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories. Stay.
49. Do you own an MTV party to go CD? Excuse me, what?
50. How would you classify Fiona Apple? Innovative but unpopular. She's
51. Ever met any famous bands/singers? Yes ; Mansun, Manic Street Preachers,
Tori Amos.
52. Would you say you have an advanced knowledge of music? Yes.