Those Strange Lists
10 Stupid Things To Use As A baton In A Relay Race:
1- A small cactus
2- A scorpion
3- Anything covered in superglue
4- Anything white hot
5- Anything securely manacled to your wrist
6- A lit stick of dynamite
7- An anvil
8- A baton-shaped piece of margarine
9- Your willie
10- Someone elses willie;
8 Occasions When You Don't Want The Virgin Mary To Appear Unto You:
1- While walking a tightrope over Niagara Falls
2- During your psychiatric evaluation
3- Just when you're trying to convince your wife that you haven't got another woman in the house
4- Just when you're about to bring your jumbo jet into land at Heathrow
5- Just as you're in the process of applying some preparation H…
6- When you're shaving off your pubic hair
with a cutthroat razor
7- While attempting to summon the devil
8- While dressing up in your wife's clothes and parading up and down in front of the mirror;