Vice President In 'Pinky And The Brain' World Dominations style attempt.

Documents released to NLW by the NEW college Student Council, have provided conclusive evidence that the Vice-president Matthew Brough used the 1996 Student Presidential elections a bit like Dr Doom from ‘Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.’

Even though fellow candidates James Lancaster and Sarah Hall were unaware, the documents prove that unusually sulky Brough was actually scheming to introduce a very sinister mandate if elected.

For example; closer inspection of Brough’s rarely seen manifesto revealed plans to use council funds in the construction of a "Giant Hypno-Ray Gun TM" with which he intended to "enslave the puny inhabitants of Pontefract." Another strange manifesto pledge was the building of an "Impenetrable Secret Lair TM" in what is now the smokers room.

Although this nightmarish vision was luckily averted by the perceptive NEW College electorate, it has also been revealed that Brough has for the past year been utilising his much reduced position of authority to achieve his evil aims.

In January this year the Prom Committee unwittingly allowed the Vice-president funding for a scheme to replace senior members of staff with android "Replicants." Despite being unsuccessful, this plan did enable Brough to seize control of the local MacDonalds Drive-Thru, where his secret hideout is thought to have been for the early part of this year.

Although relatively unconcerned, Police are investigating Brough’s recent attempt to stand in the General Election as a candidate for the "This-Isn’t-A-Thinly-Veiled-Ploy-To-Gain-Absolute-Power-Nya-Ha-Ha-Ha! Party."

Brough was unavailable for comment as NLW went to press. However, sources close to him say he is working hard on an attempt to destroy London with an "Atomic Tidal Wave Machine TM" and has apparently changed his name by deed poll to "The Doom Meister" for legal reasons.

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