Rachel Borlik - 06/13/00 17:48:51
My Email:none
University/College: Nevada Union High School
Taken physics class (y/n): no
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: Safeway
Major: nothing
cool kiwi's.
Megan - 05/09/00 20:02:15
My Email:megisslick@hotmail.com
University/College: COP
Taken physics class (y/n): No way!
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: In Dan's head
Major: English
I'm immortalized! One day I might figure out what PWKWSFI stands for and when that day arrives, watch out world!
Ricky Peterson - 05/07/00 23:46:46
My Email:rp0041@uop.edu
University/College: UOP
Taken physics class (y/n): goig to
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: New Mexico
Major: Physics
I love Pwkwsfi
Tracy - 04/05/00 23:24:58
My Email:globetrotter4evr@hotmail.com
University/College: SIS
Major: IR
colleen - 03/03/00 07:29:50
My URL:http://www.blaxploitation.com
My Email:crazymonkeydancer@hotmail.com
University/College: pharmacy (can you believe it?)
Taken physics class (y/n): depends, does falling down the townhouse stairs count?
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: behind the "prez"'s apartment
Major: communism
i must voice my agreement with the ever knowledgeable jack in that you are a bunch of commies for implementing the physics requirement which ultimately leads to blatant discrimination and the desecration of society itself.
Amy Lazicki - 11/30/99 04:12:53
My Email:no thanks
University/College: UOP
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: Africa
Major: Engineering Physics
This is very interesting and informative. This is what I thought PWKWSFI stood for: people won't know what stupid fratenities is.
matthew pitcher - 11/03/99 06:32:24
My Email:mjpitcher@ucdavis.edu
University/College: ucdavis
Major: biochemistry
I was looking for Andrew's web page for his computer class, but I seem to have found every page but his. Andrew is it up yet(11-2-99)?
Gayleen Darting - 09/28/99 05:18:59
My URL:http://www.uop.edu/~gdarting
My Email:hartdart@gotnet.net
University/College: Engineering
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: New Zealand
Major: Civil Engineering
You're a stud DAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew Pitcher - 05/04/99 20:16:37
My Email:ap0009@uop.edu
University/College: UOP/COP
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: California
Major: Mathematics
PWKWSFI kicks butt! I am glad to see we have grown to be such a huge organization with memebers in some of the highest positions on campus. This page is awesome, thanks to Dan and Mo. Great job. Long live the Macedonians!!!
Fred sends his regards
M. Jack Huguley - 04/22/99 06:46:52
University/College: UOP/COP
Taken physics class (y/n): Never
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: Paris
Major: English/Philosophy
I think the requisite physics 53 class is a fascist requirement created by a meglomaniacal dictator. Death to the pigs
Eric Brown aka "Eiffel Tower Arsonist" - 03/10/99 05:21:35
My Email:eb0002@uop.edu
University/College: UOP
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: The earth
Major: Geology
Wow Dan.
I like what you've done here. I'm glad that you've included me in this webpage since I have been a peripheral member of PWKWSFI for a while now. Keep on leading us to the promised land!
Maria - 11/17/98 19:42:53
My Email:mg0043@uop.edu
University/College: COP (formerly Engineering)
Taken physics class (y/n): yup
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: 1st floor of Grace after a very LONG weekend...
Super Chong...okay... but BLEACHED Maria? I don't think so! What's up with that? Is that a hint? Anyway...when do Chong and I get the upgrade from pledge to member? We know now! Other people don't know, but we know! We have known for months!
chong - 11/14/98 00:42:52
My Email:ch0044@uop.edu
University/College: uop
Taken physics class (y/n): um....i attend class
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: C2...townhouse
Major: not engineering...
dan dan dan....a definite improvement over the last one...you know what i'm talking about...but com'on super chong? and bleached maria...i've got to tell her this...better watch your back...and your bike...lots of possible methods of payback and we're sma
t...at least we were before engr...and i still don't know what pwkwsfi is and i've been to every freakin class!!!
Rebecca Borlik - 10/28/98 23:49:55
My URL:don't have one yet
My Email:rb0058@uop.edu
University/College: School of Ed/UOP
Taken physics class (y/n): whatever!
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: in my brother's gut
I know what PWKWSFI means. Ha Ha Ha
You thought it would be a secret forever....but now I think I might just tell the world. Unless of course you give me something really cool...bribe me, it works!!!
Anyway, I guess this is a cool site, for a bunch of dorks.
10/14/98 05:59:37
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
John R. Borlik Jr. - 09/06/98 13:48:57
My URL:http://member.xoom.com/Jorlik/index.html
Searching for BORLIK's!!! Visit my website and have that BORLIK guy get in touch w/ me!!
Pete - 06/17/98 05:18:28
My URL:http://www.uop.edu/~pmani
University/College: COP
Taken physics class (y/n): not yet
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: Stockton
Major: Predentistry
HI pwkwsfi....
Matthew Carroll - 05/24/98 23:14:39
My URL:http://jarl.cs.uop.edu/~mcarroll
My Email:mrcarroll@iname.com
University/College: UOP -- I'm Doooooooone!
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: on a Kiwi vine
Major: EE
As a representative of the Free the Kiwi movement, I must object to your unauthorized appropriation of the Kiwi as a logo for your PWKWRSTSFIPKSTV page. Such blatant disregard for the integrity and inherent value of the noble Kiwi is not only a crime agai
st the furry fruit, but it is not in keeping with the high moral standards of your fine university. Still more, it is a blemish in the long and illustrious history of physics ever since Newton. May an over-ripe Kiwi fall upon your head.
Man K. Chiu - 05/19/98 07:14:17
My URL:http://www.uop.edu/~mchiu
My Email:mkchiu@computer.org
University/College: Guess !
Taken physics class (y/n): who's asking,,,
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: south pole
Major: Electrical & Engineering Management
Gosh, have you been taking lessons from Mo?
Remember, the force is with you, unless you're A. Trebek whic means jury duty 5 days a week.
John Alessio - 05/14/98 04:59:39
My URL:http://www.uop.edu/~jalessio
My Email:ja0016@uop.edu
University/College: University of the Pacific
Taken physics class (y/n): Yea-uh!
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: the dining hall cellar
Major: Electrical Engineering
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. I care about PWKWSFI.
mo - 05/11/98 07:13:05
My URL:http://www.uop.edu/~aramirez
My Email:ar0008@uop.edu
University/College: UOP(WKWSFI)
Taken physics class (y/n): of course, you clown
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: top shelf of rack
Major: Mechanical Engineering
i love em, and only em.
Daniel Borlik - 05/11/98 07:08:28
My URL:http://www.uop.edu/~dborlik
My Email:db0017@uop.edu
University/College: University of the Pacific
Taken physics class (y/n): Oh yeah
Favorite place Kiwifruit is grown: New Zealand
Major: Communication
The legion of Kiwi shall overcome all. This webpage is the start of a conquest for domination.