We are . . . Peeps dat dig what da sticky-sticky be

PWKWSFI: Solid and Insufferable
on Dan's car (AKA the Deathtrap)
This is the International Web Headquarters of PWKWSFI.

We are currently building up some of the features on this page. Unfortunately, the laws of Physics are much easier to comprehend to the Kiwiman than the laws of HTML (and his Physics aptitudes were sub-par at best). Meanwhile, please visit the partner site--the impressively developed PWKWSFI yahoo group.

The Kiwiman would like you to visit often to see any updates. Coming features will include updated pictures, occasional editorials, and, pending funding from the Council of PWKWSFI, a streaming video from a brand new PWKWSFI satellite to be launched at a later date.

Feel free to contact your leaders at legion_of_kiwi@yahoo.com. We'll get back to you, guaranteed, within the year.

In the beginning...Learn about our roots...
Legion of Kiwi Meet our Domestic Members...
Go Macedonians! See the Greek arm of our organization, Eta Pi...
Go Tigers!Click here to learn about the charter school, UOP...
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Counterhits since 2/7/98.
so there.
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