NEW YORK, NY--Although everyone already knows this, this reporter must report upon it anyway.  Tuesday afternoon at 11:34am EST a loud booming thump was heard coming from
all possible directions, including the sky and ground and within every individual being.  The thump was louder than can be described and was immediately followed by an omnipotent voice which clearly yelled, "MYSELF BE DAMNED!  THAT HURTS LIKE HELL!"  The voice was heard by all people in their respective languages causing everyone to double over in excruciating pain for
a period of 4 minutes.  All people agree it was the voice of their respective God but are in a quandary as to what happened to him, her, or it.  The United Nations met today to discuss the matter and have concluded that something was dropped by God, causing him pain.  Theologians are now debating as to whether it is possible for God to drop something or not, and whether or not he, she or it will drop something else.

LOS ANGELES, CA.--The 14th Annual Rap Artist Idiomatic Convention met last week to discuss nominations for the new street phrase to be released into pre-teen youth culture via their music.  The board this year included such notables as Snoop Doggy Dog, Foxy Brown, LL Cool J, Dr. Dre, Coolio, Mase, Puff Daddy, Queen Latifa, Missy Misdemeanor Elliot, and Suge Knight via teleconference.  Among the nominees for this year were:  "Yo Mama Don' Even Sass Me!" "Mah Beepa Don' Beep Dat!" "Yo Credit Limit Be Maxed!" "Take a Deep Breath Baby, An It'll Allll Fit!" "Da Wheel Is Turnin' But Da Hamsta be Dead!" "What Come Outta Yo Mouf?!" and a revival of the 70's "Sit On It!"  After a four-hour deliberation, the board voted on a second term for last year's "UmmmHmmmmm!  It's All Good!" due to its use on several albums slated for release next year.  The board also discussed a motion introduced by Will Smith to set limits on sampling per album, but the argument was quickly ended by Puff Daddy with a barrage of gunfire at the overhead projector.  In related news, the 12th Annual Alternative Rock Council met the previous week to discuss new uses for the word "jaded," and whether "angst" is a good thing or not.

HOLLYWOOD, CA.--Trystar Pictures has announced a new movie to be released early next year called "The Meaning of Divorce".  The movie will be "just what the audience has always wanted," said John Pelton, producer of the new movie.  "We have done exhaustive studies of what the audience really wants in a movie by installing galvanic sensors under movie theater seats all around the nation.  What we found out was that people's asses sweat more when they are watching the main characters of a movie doing a cute singing and/or dancing scene in the middle of a movie, like when Ted Danson, Steve Guttenburg, and Tom Selleck sang to the baby in 'Three Men and a Baby,' or when Julia Roberts and those other people sang in 'My Best Friend's Wedding.'  It's that stuff that people like, not boring dialog or intricate plots."  Pelton said the movie will be a light comedy about the pain of divorce and the devastation it incurs toward the children.  "I can't give out much more than that other than it will have 32 singing and dancing numbers with the big stars such as Arnold Schwartzenegger, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Halle Berry, Gina Davis, and Goldie Hawn racking up the cuteness factor as they sing to babies with old 50's and 60's stuff that happens to be on the radio at the moment," said Pelton, adding "Oh, and if you think right away that this is just a musical, you're dead wrong.  I don't know why, but it just isn't."

PARIS, FRANCE--In a shocking and disturbing scene yesterday, Satan appeared out of nowhere beside the Eiffel Tower in a cloud of sulfuric smoke and a flash of red fire.  As people scattered, the Devil made his way straight for a nearby italian-shaved ice stand and ordered a "suicide" which is all the flavors mixed together in one ice cone.  After enjoying his ice for several minutes, Beelzebub encouraged the cowering crowd to not be afraid and then started making jokes about his penis size being bigger than the Eiffel Tower.  This warmed up the crowd and the Prince of Darkness then allowed several tourists to take their pictures with him.  "A picture with me is like a contract, you know!  Ha ha ha ha!  Just kidding there!" he joked to Ronald Mandon, a tourist from the United States.  As reporters began to arrive, the Hell Master said he had to go.  "I just came up for a shaved ice.  That's good stuff.  Nice and cool!  I'll see some of you around!  Heh heh," Satan chuckled as he became a black hole that instantly inverted upon itself and disappeared.  Franz Timbon, the italian-shaved ice vendor who sold the Devil the ice, said "He no pay!"

SCRANTON, N.J.--Cindy Louann Pinkerton, age 12, announced today the release of her new autobiography "Days of Bells and Barbies" from Simon and Shuster Publishers.  In a book-signing ceremony at Barns and Noble Booksellers, Pinkerton told the press that the autobiography covers all 12 of her years on this planet "with no detail left hidden."  "It's got it all:  the playgrounds, the classrooms, the spankings, the things I've seen under the table, and all the dirt on what I've overheard my parents say when they thought they were alone," said Pinkerton, adding "But there is so much more than that, too.  I really show the cathartic transformation of my childhood journey when my ego seperated gloriously from the dark uroboros of my mother and father figures to become its own center of the universe."  Pinkerton stated that she felt the need "to get this important stuff out to the people," and that "there are a million stories like mine to be told."  Her agent, JoAnn Thombell, stated that Pinkerton already has a $500,000 advance for her next book tentatively titled, "All Pubed Out."  "But I really want to get into music and change the world in a major way like Fiona has," said Pinkerton.

BUTTE, MONTANA--The Rocky Mountain Hunters Association and the NRA met last Monday with U.S. Federal Marshall-in-Chief, Frank Doke, and ATF Director, John Groom, to discuss the approval and use of short range, mini Tomahawk missiles, or "Deer Missiles" as dubbed by the hunting consortium.  RMHA Chairman, Bubba Thomlinson, said in his opening proposal, "We here the sport hunters of America need them there deer missiles!  We can't find the deer or other animals anymores an I don' know why, but maybe they is gettin' too wiley fer us.  It's gettin' so's a man don' even see himself a deer on his four or five day huntin' trip, an iffen he does, it is so fars away that he ain't gonna get a good shot at the critter.  We need them missiles to lock in on target and make the kill!  This would make the sport of hunting fair again, jus like God intended it!"  The RMHA conceded that the missiles would not have to be armed with explosives, and would surely kill targeted animals by sheer force of impact.  NRA Chairman, Charlton Heston, was on hand to give his group's support to "the basic human right to launch any type of deadly projectile."  Groom was overheard after the meeting saying to Doke, "See, you just smile and let them get this stuff off their chest every once in a while, otherwise they hole up somewhere in some godforsaken arsenal and go even more nuts."

DALLAS, TX--The elderly gang, El Loco Viejos, were involved in an altercation with a rival elderly gang, The Sons of War, on Sunday afternoon at the Manheim Senior Center in downtown Dallas.  38 people were injured mostly with broken hips and skin tears during the melee which involved several canings, four walker stabbings, ten wheelchair rammings, and deliberate depends-diaper slinging.  The fight apparantly broke out after an argument between several of the rival gang members while they were observing the center's pool being drained and cleaned.  El Loco Viejo homegirl, Janet Pizarro, said, "The homeboys were fighting over how the pool should be drained and cleaned properly.  Saying 'In my day this, and in my day that.'  It's always 'In my day,' with these cabrons!"  William Getty, a member of The Sons of War, stated, "In Pearl Harbor, we cleaned the officer's pool during the raid!  So we know how that shit is done and how it should be done!  The Viejos need to step off!"  William then went into cardiac arrest and was taken away by paramedics.  Pool cleaner, Josh Follet, stated after the pool area was cleared, "I think these old people should get medication before they come here."

PHOENIX, AZ--Janette Rae Tornell insists she knows everything there is to know about childbirth after having her son, Deryk Ray, 10 years ago.  Janette Rae decided to only have one child, but stands by her position as an 'expert' on having kids.  When around friends or in any social climate, she will gladly give her two-cents on childbirth.  "I was in labor for 5 hours, and boy it was an experience you do NOT want to go through voluntarily, let me tell you," Janette Rae says.  "Oh!  I thought he'd never come out!  8 pounds!  8 pounds, I tell you!  No one has EVER gone through
what I've had to endure!"  Janette Rae recently started up her own website,,
in which she gives lengthy, informative accounts on how to give birth to a child.  "It's for all those
women out there who want to know what having a baby is all about.  Believe me, I know what it's like and can fill you in," she says.  The site includes a downloadable video of Janette Rae's birthing of Deryk Ray, along with his measurements and a pain index.  Janette Rae adds, "Babies are wonderful, but you gotta know what you're doing when they come out, let me tell you."

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