Critical Book Review of The Cult of Information
This document constitutes the submission for grade to Dr. Wood, 9909CSMN6019043 of a critical book review by Robert W. Schuler. The total submission consists of this document:,
In addition to interpreting current, unfolding events, CSMN 601 requires you to deal with powerful ideas and visions that have been expressed in recent IT and business literature. You will play a role in raising your classmates? awareness. You will make three choices (first, second third) from the books listed below for approval by your professor; your choice priorities will be observed so long as there is a reasonable coverage of the listed books. Your assignment will be to acquire the book, read it, evaluate its significance, taking into account what others have already written about this work, and write a critical review as well as present a capsule version of your review to your classmates. Your professor will determine such things as the desired length of the written review, the length and form (oral or online) of the capsule review, and the due dates for each. Each work will be assigned to at least two people so that the class will have the benefit of independent, contrasting points of view. Approximately half of the effort should be spent on capturing and distilling the book?s "aboutness" (the main ideas); the remainder will be your assessment of its value and importance (taking into account other reviewers? opinions where possible) ? whether you would recommend it to your audience. Let me restate the previous sentence to be perfectly clear about the content of the CBR: No more than 1/2 of your paper should concern description of the book; the balance of your paper should be your critique of the book. The best critique makes use of other sources and reviewers, and minimizes your personal opinion except as your opinion can be logically supported. Be sure to note whether the book has a companion Website, such as Papert & Negroponte (1996) and Yourdon & Becker (1997) do.
A Note about the APA
The paper deviates from the American Psychological Association. Publication manual (3rd or 4th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The deviation is due to the fact that the APA provides guidance for preparing manuscripts on typewriters and this UMUC course has been entirely on-line. The final paper is prepared using the hyper text transfer protocol and following the guidelines of the APA as closely as possible. Titles have been tagged appropriately H1 for the main title H2 for the first tier titles and so on. It is not possible to double space HTML text without an undue amount of effort, however paragraphs have been appropriately tagged, so it is possible that a browser may be directed to display the paper in accordance with the APA.
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The paper was graded by James G. Wood, PhD as follows:
Grade: 90
General Comments (provided as part of the evaluation):
Specific Comments (provided as part of the evaluation):
=== Percentages ===
Executive Summary/Precis (5%) Earned - 4
Content (60%) Earned - 52
English/Grammar (20%) Earned - 19
Meets criteria as outlined (5%) - Earned 5