The TVM calculator calculates a row of time value of money factors based on an interest rate I% and a number of compounding periods N. The tool was written primarily as a test of Borland's Delphi Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment, but turned out to be useful during an Engineering Economics course. The TVM Calculator runs on any version of Microsoft Windows from 3.1 up.
Click here to see a screen shot of the TVM calculator.
Click here to download the TVM calculator.
DISCLAIMER-I have not thoroughly tested this tool. The equations are correct, but I don't know how well the tool behaves for very small or very large interest rates, nor do I know how well very large values of N behave. I have not found a case yet, where the tool disagreed with the values in the tables in the back of Ted G. Eschenbach's book Engineering Economy: Applying Theory to Practice, but I have not tested every value.
If you find a bug, please let me know: