This page contains some information about learning to use the LaTeX typesetting environment using the LyX word processor. There are three documents that where generated during the Fall 2002 semester while I was taking EE541 from Catholic University. All three documents where generated using LyX.


CAU_EE541_HW1 collects three homework assignments that where due before the first exam. A portable document format (PDF) version of this paper named CAU_EE541_HW1.pdf is available for your review.


CAU_EE541_HW2 collects three homework assignments that where due before the second exam. A portable document format (PDF) version of this paper named CAU_EE541_HW2.pdf is available for your review.


LearningLaTeX is a paper that explains a little bit about the tools that I used and how steep I found the learning curve to be. A portable document format (PDF) version of this paper named learningLaTeX.pdf is available for your review.
Rob Schuler