GOODWILL, is the monarch of this house...

A. C. Griggs Fraternity House
Greetings and Salutations from the 2nd Alumni chapter founded in the State of Georgia,
Alpha Chi Lambda in Augusta. Founded April 27th, 1935:

Host of the 1998,2002 Southern Regional Convention, 2004 Georgia District Convention

The Seven Wonders of Black Greek Letter Organizations

The Seven Jewels

"The Seven Jewels of Alpha Phi Alpha"

Jewel Henry Arthur Callis,
Jewel Charles Henry Chapman,
Jewel Eugene Knickle Jones,
Jewel George Biddle Kelley,
Jewel Nathaniel Allison Murray,
Jewel Robert Harold Ogle,
Jewel Vertner Woodson Tandy,

Fraternity Insignia

Fraternity Insignia, designed by Jewel Tandy

A Brief History on the Founding of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

In the Autumn of 1905 at Cornell University, 9 young black men, desirous of maintaining a more intimate contact amongst themselves, met at the home of Mr. Edward Newton, who resided at 421 North Albany Street, Ithaca NY. These young men, most of whom were self supporting, with scant resources, faced the social barriers of color, common to American institutions during this era, by forming a Social Study Club. The group left their meeting that night, boldly facing the future, scarcely realizing, however, the impact that the night's actions would have on the lives of future generations of college students.

Because of their dream, hard work and dedication, ALPHA PHI ALPHA Fraternity, became a reality on the night of December 4th, 1906. Founded on the principles of Good Character, Fellowship, Sound Scholarship and the Uplifting of Humanity. It's being was not spontaneous, but came as an evolution through trial and struggle, a vision that could be easily seen, yet a task for more difficult than any of those present at that meeting could have faced.

Seven visionaries, whose dream, has inspired over 80,000 men to be "First of All, Servants of All, Transcending All. It is the goal of every Alpha Man to live up to the high ideas of our beloved "JEWELS", by holding high the Light of ALPHA PHI ALPHA.

Fraternity Coat of Arms

Fraternity Coat of Arms

"The Founders of Alpha Chi Lambda"

A.M. Carter, A.C. Griggs, A.E. Hill, S.M. Jenkins, R.L. Lockett,
L.D. Perry, J.M. Tutt, L.M. White, and W.D. Woods,

Vision 2000
2000 - 2001 Chapter Officers
PresidentAugustus Thurmond
Immediate Past PresidentEllis Albright
Vice PresStephen Ivey-Perdue
Rec. Sect.Clifford Terreill
TreasurerJohnny J. Holmes
ParlimentarinEliis Albright
HistorianWymond Smith
Sergeant at ArmsMarion Griffin, Jr.
Director of Educational ActivitiesStephen Ivey-Perdue
ChaplinWillie Gainous
Intake CoordinatorBert T. Thomas
Associate Editor to the SphinxArnold Taylor

Meeting Information

Cold & Cocky Links

NPHC Organizations

Community Service Projects

Upcoming Events and Activities

The Brothers of Alpha Chi Lambda

Prominent National and Local Brothers
68th Southern Regional Convention

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