Pics of some of my friends!

Many of you guys are missing, so please send me pics if you have them!! (HINT HINT!)

Last August some friends and I went to see the Garth Brooks concert in Fresno!! WOO HOO!! This is Stephanie, Kelly, me and Rhiannon.
This is me in December of 1996, with Kevin Sharp -sorry guys, he's another country singer! :P
My friend, Sara (The blond) with some of her buds at their Sadie Hawkin's Dance
This is Stephanie, Jessica and Kay -friends from my freshman year in the dorms at UCD!!

These are people I raised Guide Dogs for the Blind with! I'm on the right -at like 16!- with my dog Harvard, starting at the left is Candy with Preesa, Brenda with Hobbit, Nicole with Butter, Kim with Chuma, and Theresa with Secret (Harvard's girlfriend! ;P)

This is my friend Kelly with my wonderful dog, Georgie (isn't she a doll???? Just answer yes, you're not going to win an arguement with me on that one!!)
This one is Stephanie, myself and Kelly on New Year's Eve. (Sorry the scanning sinks, but...we had a fun!!)

Friends' Pages:
 Dave's Site
 Sara's Page
 Jeremy C's Page
 Josh's Page
 Rachel's Page
 Welcome to Lindstrom Court 
 Heron's Homepage
 Reflections on Oncochat
 Terri's Page
 Ulysses's Eternal Thoughts

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