Family Page #3

The Sullivans

This page is going to show pictures of my father's side of the family (mainly)

Granny holding Cassie This is Granny (June Cassie Sullivan -Cassie was her maiden name) and I at a very young age.

This one shows all of us (Excluding my father and my maternal grandfather) at our home in Fresno.

The whole Sullivan side of the family plus mom's mom

Top row, l to r: Mark Sullivan and June Sullivan (Grandparents) Cary and Cathy Steyn (Uncle and Aunt -dad's sister), Steven Craner (cousin) Carol Craner (Aunt -dad's sister), Donna Sullivan (Mom) Middle row: Someone I do not know (Possibly an exchange student), Avis Slate (Grandmother) holding me, John Craner (cousin), Jaime Craner (cousin), Carol Jo Steyn (cousin) Front row: Andy Sullivan (brother) and Chrissie Steyn (cousin)

Cousin Steve carrying me around our grandparent's house. Steven and Cassie

Chrissie and Cassie Cousin Chrissie and I holding clowns given to us by Granny


My father, last summer, looking foolish!

Dad with a bow on his head

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