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Welcome to my bird cage!!
Its great to you! Thanks for visiting my homepage! I
hope that you find your time in my chaotic little world,
enjoyable and not overly boring! So...since you are here, I'll
attempt to tell you a little about myself. I'm a 22
year old college student at The University of California at
Davis -located about 20 miles west of Sacramento, Ca. I am
a Human Development major, thinking of going into social work or
becoming a elemtary school teacher. I was born and raised
in Fresno, California. There my older brother, Andy, and I
graduated from Bullard High School. We were raised around
the community and in Fresno's First Baptist Church. I am
currently living in Davis, with my brother and one roommate in
small house. We have a miniture zoo, consisting of 2 dogs,
3 fish and a chinchilla -with a puppy in the near future. Ok, now that I have bored you to tears with my
life, I'll let you pick and choose what information you want to
learn about me!
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