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Favourite LinksFirst created: 12-Jul-1999.Last updated: 12-Apr-2000, 18:09. This is not supposed to be a list of the best sites of their kind on the net. Rather a list of the sites which I find myself visiting the most. The very curious also take a carousel tour of my (many) bookmarks General Amiga Network News - A solid, reliable Amiga news site for the dedicated and the curious. Animation Express - What are you going to do with that fast internet connection your university just upgraded? Watch cartoons of course. Shockwave and Quicktime ahoy! Bookmarklets - An idea so good that it will be ripped off shamelessly on hundreds of inferior sites. Distributed.net - Is your computer bored and underworked? Does it yearn for a greater challenge and the possibility of glory? If so, sign it up to the largest distributed computer in the world! Join up today! Google - The best search engine on the web. Uses cunning maths to calculate page position by link popularity. The Hunger Site - UN site where clicking a button donates food to third world countries. Jodi.org - Watch your browser do strange things. Version 3 or less browsers need not apply. Modem Speed Test Page - Settle who has the fastest connection speed once and for all. Multimap UK - Scare people by zooming down to a street map of their neighbourhood from a map of the UK. Need To Know - Weekly British satirist computing page, complete with TV guide, off-beat tech stories and ruthless coverage of other sites' mistakes. The editors are probably nefarious technology killjoys... Newsnow - Why trawl the net looking for the latest stories when you can use this site to jump straight to them? The Register - Biting the hand the feeds IT, The Register is a UK site reporting on technology events with nauseating immediacy and silly company names. Sabrina Online - Eric Scwartz made an online comic and it turned out to be well drawn and pretty good. A bit risqué of late but still very funny. salon.com - The best online magazine (or e-zine if you will) that I have come across. I tend to hang around the Technology section myself, but the lead stories are good too. Shockwave - Probably the zenith of shocked sites. WATCH! cartoons. PLAY! games. WAIT! ages for it all to download. Slashdot - News for "people who program computers and often wear glasses". News is posted, comments are posted about the news, comments are moderated. Rinse and repeat. SnowCraft - Highly distilled StarCraft in Shockwave and very cool(!) to boot. User Friendly - Geeky, Linuxy, nerdy, techy comic strip about life at an ISP. Funny to those who know why NetBSD and Linux are related. Web Design Webmonkey - You don't know how to make a web page but want to learn? Well if this site doesn't teach you anything, at least you'll laugh trying. Web Site Garage - Put those flabby GIFs on a diet and fine tune that HTML. Almost guaranteed to put go-faster stripes on your pages. Websites That Suck - One of the best web design sites I've come across. Ruthlessly points out major sites' flaws and advises you not to make them yourself. Yale Style Manual - The bible of web style. As definitive as sites come, this covers every web design topic and then some. The Obligatory Websites of Friends Kim Randell's Site - Intriguing frontpage, but dodgy sub page design. Interesting content though. YS3 - Retro speccy site edited by Jon Hyde and Nathan Forsyth. Recently got a top level domain but mysteriously continues to not contain a link back to slant... |