
Articles - Reviews, criticism. anecdotes and my musings.

About me

About - Info about myself.


Mozilla - Tools to help test the open source browser.

The pit

The Pit - Unfinished ideas and failed projects.

Mirrors - Alternative places to find slant.

Contact me

slant is the website of Sitsofe Wheeler. It contains articles/reviews written by me for anyone who cares to read them. It is updated roughly once a month (often less when I'm feeling lazy).
Last Updated: 22-Apr-2002, 13:56 GMT

Fresher's First Week
Find out which tumble dryer is best...
Days 6 & 7: Heavy sleeper and wash day.

Favourite Links
The sites I go to when I have large amounts of free time and free net access.

The making of slant
Epic production values and a cast of thousands...

Did you spot the wad?

Glasto '98
The horror! The horror!

Until I get that CV online, this'll have to do...

The Phantom Review
Too much Phantom, not enough Menace.

Site motivation
Why I started this site and designed it this way.

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