Engineering In Eelam
William Patterson's experiences in Sri Lanka
This is a early design of an informational site about my work and adventures in N.E. Sri Lanka (Tamil Eelam). As such, there is heavy, continuous improvements. Please come back later.

Summary of recent events.
I am now in Sri Lanka & have been since 2004. I am married now and have a baby girl. Here is her pic.

I have not yet gone to Sri Lanka, but I've been given a great opportunity to go. So I am designing this page in preperation to go. I will have two primary ways of accessing the information. You can either scroll through a calender and select a date (if it is bolded), or you can click on a location on a map of Sri Lanka.

I have included a news source link. These articles will give an idea of the current situation in N.E. Sri Lanka.

Weather in Sri Lanka
North Sri Lanka
Central Sri Lanka
South Sri Lanka
Access Information here!
Map of Sri Lanka
Interactive map of my travels.
The Calender
of events and updates.
Recent posts
The latest logs.
A page of interesting stuff!
This is stuff like poems and links to other sites.
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