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Falun Dafa
Chinese World

I am from P.R. China, and I graduated from Peking University.

Feature Presentation: Falun Dafa (or Falun Gong)

I hope you can check this out. Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa) is a peaceful meditation system originated from China that has attracted more than 100 million people worldwide. It improves both physical and mental health of people with all ages. Its principles are "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance". The exercises are beautiful and easy to learn:

  • http://www.falundafa.org

    In most nations, practicing your spiritual faith is a right; but in China, it can be a crime. In fact, nearly 3000 practitioners have died as a result of police torture and brutality since the persecution began in July, 1999. With no political pursuit, practitioners are now seeking ways to end this unreasonable persecution, so that basic human rights can be protected. To find out more, please visit:
  • http://www.faluninfo.net (in English)

    If you want to know more about Falun Gong, please visit its practitioners' website at:
  • http://www.minghui.org/ (in Chinese) or
  • http://www.clearwisdom.net (in English)

    It is hard to think independently without presumptions. But if one can do so, he or she may be able to have a total new understanding about life and the universe. One such an example is:
  • http://zhengjian.org (in Chinese) or
  • http://www.pureinsight.org (in English)

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  • ACS: JACS, Biochemistry, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

    Chinese World

  • Dajiyuan
  • Chinese Overseas Student and Scholar & Professional Organizations in USA


  • http://www.infospace.com/
  • Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guide; or check Kelly Blue Book
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    For any comments to improve this homepage, please e-mail me at tonyt_20002000@yahoo.com.

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