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A view of College Campus

Breif History
This Medical College was founded in 1970 and it is affiliated with Bahawal Victoria Hospital for clinical training of the students and it have been providing health care facilities to a population of around 12 millions and have been rendering yeoman's service to the country by producing 3282 medical graduates till the year 1997. From its period of infancy this institution has now blossomed into a center of tertiary care and postgraduate courses, i.e. DOMS, DCP, DCH, M.S. (Ortho) and FCPS in Medicine, Surgery, Gynaecology, Neurosurgery and other specialties and for MCPS in Dermatology. The first Principal of this college was Prof. Alamdar Hussain. The first Cheif Executive & present Principal is Prof. Maj(R) Muhammad Amin.

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Announcement: We are preparing a web directory of all Quaidians, Please provide us with your where about as soon as possible. Soon it will be published on these pages.Posted on 4 Dec 99

Selected Quote

"The keys to the life of the heart lie in reflecting upon the Qur'aan, being humble before Allaah in secret, and leaving sins." - Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

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Last Updated on Friday, Dec 05, 1999
© Quaid-e-Azam Medical College,Bahawalpur,Pakistan.

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