"Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing..."
In the beginning.... When I started this site, I had a lot of trouble coming up with a theme for it. You see, I have so many different interests that it was hard for me to settle on just one specific topic. I have a great family and some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I love both playing *and* listening to music, watching musicals, role-playing and reading, fencing, and every once in a while you can catch me writing a story (or something like that). So, after hours and months of careful deliberation, I decided not to make my page to have one central theme, but instead to make it about, as my opening quote suggests (in case you didn't notice), "everything and nothing."
By the way, if you just happen notice something wrong (i.e. typos, misspellings, etc) with my page, I would greatly appreciate it if you would e-mail me and let me know so I can fix it! Also, if you are a new visitor to my page, please let me know by signing my guestbook.
For those who do not know who Lysana is (this category would most likely include most people who look at my page) my name is Kelly Hinkle and I am an Economics Major/Computer Science Minor and have just finished my second year at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. During my first three semesters, I participated in the University Bands program, playing trumpet and mellophone in the Spirit of Gold Marching Band and french horn in the University Wind Ensemble. Now I am a member of the Vanderbilt University Fencing Club, and I'm having more fun with it than anything else I've done at Vanderbilt! I've already participated in two tournaments, Vanderbilt's Dean Richard Memorial Tournament and a tournament at the University of Tennessee (sorry, I can't remember the title of that one). I am also a member of the Eta Phi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma, the national honorary band service sorority.
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One last thing! I would love to know that you have visited my page, so if you could take a few minutes and sign my guestbook, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!
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© Kelly Hinkle 1998 |