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Well, as you already guessed, my name is Jonathan but there are many things that you don't know about me.

So...we'll start with the basics : 

I'm a 27 year old guy (a nice one) from Israel, born on 20/10/70. 
I used to be a Computer Science student on, at Ben - Gurion Univ. which is located at the south of Israel. 


But, this isn't my only activity, and among all my activities, i prefer two in particular... 

Well the first one...as you can guess from the gif is... Scuba Diving. Personally i think it's the wildest thing around...nothing like a good clean condensed air supply to the heart. Isn't it ? 


I can recommend you about diving sites in Eilat (Israel) and Sinay (Egypt) you can never imagine what you can see there.... 

Check out my Diving Recomendations...

The second thing (Last but not Least) is RANGE SHOOTING...It's a real RELAXING activity.... 



Now, After you know me better lets take a dive to some more serious stuff.... 


As I mentioned I'm a Software Engineer and as such i'm working at a Computer Company that mainly develops Telephony Applications.

The Previous company I worked for, produced Multimedia products, and Our main Developing tools were Visual Basic and various Image & Voice processing programs, so if you need some help...check out those links...or EMAIL me. I'll Be happy to help. 


Our DataBase Tool was Access 2.0. A great and Easy to Use Tool for quick and easy to use DataBases. So again, you can use the links or EMAIL me for help... 

My new field of interest now is : 

Visual J ++ for WINDOWS NT. 

This tool is more complicated to use then Visual Basic, but the things you can do, with the flexibility of J + + is incredible, so DIVE in and enjoy. 


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