10/11/00 05:25:34
Comments: Hi! Reggie. I like your homepage. I wish you can visit me here in California. Good Luck..Cecille
10/09/00 22:52:57
08/30/00 02:20:42
Comments: Bongga ka, guy!
08/30/00 02:20:36
08/30/00 02:20:19
08/30/00 02:19:53
07/30/00 03:35:25
Comments: it's a great homepage, i like the history part and man, you've got it made....tay tung is for rich kids, you may not be wealthy as much like other tay tung kids growing up but growing up poor like me, that's a luxury. i like your determination and you rea ly set a goal in life and that motivates me, like you said one has to have an attitude! wait a minute...you're still single up to now?...good looking as you are? and have brains too and a prominent one. but hey, it takes someone like you who is brave enou h to be a pediatric surgeon and i know you will be bless more helping kids. keep up the good work.
07/20/00 09:00:33
Comments: OK ah! Seryoso pa ang picture, high tech ka na gid ya doctor! anyway, good luck and more sucess!
07/20/00 08:57:16
07/14/00 15:49:40
Comments: baw grabe! sosi!
07/13/00 04:12:05
Comments: Reggie, I really like your homepage. As your big sister, I am very proud of you. How I wish you can come and visit California someday... I am still very hopeful about that. I wish you luck on you endeavors... keep up the great work and hurray to all your achievements. You are the best of all......Love always, your sis....Cathy
02/18/00 03:47:16
01/09/00 17:30:37
Comments: Kumusta ka Redge!!! Hey I just happened upon your web page. 18 months ago I was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Mormons) and I was assigned in the Bacolod Mission (Negros Occid. & Panay Islands). I love the Philipp nes! I just thought I would drop you a quick line and say hi. Enjoy taking care of those cute Filipino kids. Cathy
11/17/99 22:05:32
Comments: Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook
08/28/99 03:19:11
Comments: Redge, Chanced upon your homepage today while looking up our class webpage. Good thing Jet was able to link your page to the class'page. Congratulations on your accomplishments and may God bless you in all your endeavors. Benny
08/23/99 04:55:20
Comments: Hi, Redge! Just found your page, and I'm now updating our class webpage to reflect that. Visit our site sometime. I've also linked your page to our class website. Jet
10/17/98 04:41:59
Comments: Nice page, cool, substantial, lots of info loaded in here. Hope you keep up the good work and I'll make it a point to visit your page and take a peek on to your links. By the way, hope that you too visit my tambayan and sign the logbook when you leave, and participate in my online poll for the month. Take care and mabuhay!
10/14/98 05:20:15
Comments: Just surfing Thanks
09/05/98 10:25:23
Comments: I am awed. Can I still reach you?
07/21/98 09:53:37
Comments: Just dropping by to say hi!
07/16/98 10:52:00
Comments: I'm just one of the strangers not a lost friend but soon to be your collegue but far off from your achievements. Your homepage is cool I like your theme song. R u from Bacolod I mean based there? Anyway i have to go . congrats & goodluck!!! hope to hear rom you. nov15_97@hotmail.com peaches
07/01/98 01:27:01
Comments: i enjoyed your web site very much... you are quite an impressive individual... i salute your accomplishments... and it appears you have very nice FRIENDS ! much continued success !!
04/21/98 10:43:54
Comments: hi redge, here am i now, signing your guestbook. cool really..... thanks, Linda
04/13/98 05:49:59
Comments: Dear Redge, Strange how internet and cyberspace can alter our perspectives, even our paradigms about communication.... what used to be instantaneous for me now has to accomodate touching of keys and listening to electronic sounds--both of which were then, eons ago, p rt and parcel of delayed communication. All this contemplation from viewing your homepage :) stay well. abet
04/07/98 05:20:52
03/06/98 16:29:21
Comments: Hi doc! I'm from Washington, DC U.S.A. and I'd like to have filipino men friends with brains. I'm sure you are busy with your profession but if you have time and interested, just drop me a line. I'd like to tell you about me. I'm a professional working for a lobbyist (a retired U.S. Senator) I worked for him too in Congress. I originated from the province of Pangasinan and have lived here in the U.S. for 17 years. I'm a widow with a young son. I'm 5'4" 120 lbs georgeous and classy. I'm also involved in real estate developing and building business. Men are quite intimidated with my looks and profession. I thought I'd just meet them thru e-mail. I usually go back and visit my family at least o ce a year. The only time I could go ballroom dancing. I'm a good dancer but can't find a good partner. I'm meet you at the Cha-Cha Palace if you can dance. Let me warn you, don't fall in love with me because you will if you'll meet me. Good day to you
02/27/98 14:05:17
Comments: ......AS INNNNNNNN ?????????? OOOOOOPPPP....uhhhhhh......
02/26/98 13:17:00
Comments: hi redge! i just chanced on your website and i'm glad to know you are doing great. you may not remember me but toni gensoli was my batchmate at pcmc. please give my regards to her. i am presently residing here in hawaii. i left my clinic in QC which i sha ed with grace agrasada and chichi cruz.
02/18/98 21:18:36
Comments: Hi, Reginald..I chanced upon you when I was visiting Edgar Javison's webpage. I'm a former TAGUPCI (di bala lifetime ang membership sa Guild?)..Regards....NURIA must be very proud!!!
02/09/98 00:04:51
Comments: Hi Redge. I don't know if you remember me but I was surfing the internet when I came across your homepage and I knew you were familiar. I was ahead of you at UPCM (dapat hindi ko inamin yan) but I'm glad you seem to be doing well in your field. It was nic viewing pictures of your family and your history was an eyeopener. I was also with Lynn Panganiban at DFM but I went on to train in Pediatrics at UMDNJ,Newark and Peds ER fellowship for two and one half years. Now I'm enjoying ambulatory practice in Nort Carolina and from here I shall include your website as places to visit in cyberspace.
01/25/98 10:58:36
Comments: You have described - precisely- how I feel about writing homepages. I like your page - its honest and personal. So you're from Bacolod - I have had lots of classmates from bacolod when I was in UP Diliman. How about visiting my homepage - like you, to me, its a work of love.
12/22/97 04:59:24
Comments: Hi Redge, I'm C. Del Rosario, TAGUPCI '97-'98 with Dr. Lynn Panganiban, Marivic Militar,etc. I was surfing through the web and stumbled across E. Javison's homepage. Thought it would be nice to keep in touch. I'm practicing as a registered Occ. Therapist ere in Houston, Tx since 1990. I haven't heared from anybody in UPV. Glad to know you're a ped. surgeon. God bless you and more power.Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year !!!!
12/22/97 04:57:05
Comments: Hi Redge, I C. Del Rosario, TAGUPCI '97-'98 with Dr. Lynn Panganiban, Marivic Militar,etc. I was surfing through the web and stumbled across E. Javison's homepage. Thought it would be nice to keep in touch. I'm practicing as a registered Occ. Therapist he e in Houston, Tx since 1990. I haven't heared from anybody in UPV. Glad to know you're a ped. surgeon. God bless you and more power.Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year !!!!
11/22/97 09:58:37
Comments: You have a wonderful homepage. For someone as busy as you are, i cannot imagine the work that went with all the pages. I hope you can update often as I enjoy reading what you are writing. You've got style, man! Can you include my pic, too? Hehehe.
11/18/97 23:13:34
Comments: bravo for such an ingenious presentation. i sure will frequently pay you a visit in the days and months ahead. keep up the great work and talent. and thank you for sharing your life experiences. i feel enriched as well. see you soon.
11/17/97 06:03:24
Comments: congratulations for coming up with such a wonderful homepage. always remember that it takes a great deal of knowledge and talent to produce such a magnificent work. but remember too, that such gifts should not be kept, it should be shared. in other words, san-o mo ko ya obrahan sang homepage koooooooooooooooo?????????????????
11/12/97 21:44:45
Comments: I have been to the summit! Everything from hereon is downhill! Cardiologo humilde
11/12/97 18:17:20
Comments: do you still practice medicine. where do you get all this time to update your home page. i like the pics specially. jojo
11/10/97 16:13:21
Comments: very nice. i will visit often.
11/06/97 22:23:14
Comments: hello to my best friend in the whole universe!!!!! cool homepage. AS IN......hahahahah!!! ti ma ano ka da!!!!!!!