Caribbean Studies Research Papers
This site has been designed to facilitate access to research pertaining to the study of Caribbean economics and development, politics, and history and culture. It features a rotating number of original research papers (in Adobe PDF format) which may be downloaded. The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the link below.
We encourage researchers to use our forum to make their work available to a large audience and particularly welcome the submission of original and authoritative papers, which elaborate the problems and possible solutions to the challenges facing Caribbean development.
All materials posted here for downloading are made available for your reading convenience. This is a monitored page and if you are interested in quoting, citing, or otherwise copying material presented here, we recommend that you read our conditions of use statement.
- All We've Learnt. Colonial Teachings and Caribbean Underdevelopment
- Globalisation, Fragmentation and Integration: A Caribbean Perspective
by Norman Girvan (University of the West Indies, St. Augustine)
(Paper prepared for the International Meeting on Globalization and Development Problems, Havana, Cuba, January 18-22, 1999)
- Notes on CARICOM, the ACS, and Caribbean Survival
by Norman Girvan (University of the West Indies, St. Augustine)
(Paper prepared for the Conference on "Caribbean Survival and the Global Challenge in the 21st Century" Institute of International Relations, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, March 20-22, 2000)
- The Crisis in and Future of the Windwards Banana Industry
- The Banana Crisis: EU policy, differences within the WTO and their impact on the Caribbean
An interview with Miguel Ceara Hatton (Association of Caribbean States)
- The Final Report on the Analysis of the Household Budget and Expenditure Survey for St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- The Political Economy-Development Nexus: Theoretically Where Are We and Where Should We Be Going?
by Seymour Douglas (Emory University and Caribbean Development Bank)
- Caribbean Economics or Universal Economics?
by Norman Girvan (University of the West Indies, St. Augustine)
(Remarks at Opening Session, "First Meeting of Economics Students of the Caribbean," Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, April 7, 2000)
- Crime and Tourism in the Caribbean and Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 (tables available as Word documents only)
by Klaus de Albuquerque (College of Charleston) and Jerome McElroy (Saint Mary's College)
(An updated version of this paper was published in: Annals of Tourism Research 26 (1) (1999): 968-984
- Viable Financial Sectors: Assessing Repayment Risk in Small Island Economies
- The Impact of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in the OECS: A Disaggregated Approach
by Seymour Douglas (Emory University) and Oral Williams
- Resource Management Changes in the Caribbean: The Eco-Eco-Approach
(Abbreviated version of article originally published in: Ratter, Beate M.W. and W.-D. Sahr (eds.) 1997. Land, Sea and Human Effort in the Caribbean, Hamburg: Institut fuer Geographie der Universitaet Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich Wirtschaftsgeographie, 17-30.)
- Globalisation and the Crisis of the Caribbean Intelligentsia
by Trevor A. Campbell (Claremont Colleges, California) and Reginald K. Nugent (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
- International Migration and Transnational Politics: Recent Developments in the Caribbean and Mexican Cases
- Caribbean Geopolitics and Geonarcotics. New Dynamics, Same Old Dilemma
by Ivelaw Griffith (Florida International University)
(This paper was published in Naval War College Review 51 [Spring] 1998 and has been made available to us through the kind permission of the author. N.B. : This file is not in Adobe, but HTML format)
- Freedom Ossified: Political Culture and the Public Use of History in the Anglophone Caribbean
by Holger Henke (Metropolitan College of New York)
(This article was published in: Identities: Global Studies in Power and Culture, Vol.8 No.3 (September 2001), 413-440 (411-466), with comments by Don Robotham, Peggy Antrobus, and Nan Peacocke. It is therefore no longer available as a download)
- Drogenschmuggel und Einschränkung von Souveränitätsrechten in der Karibik
by Holger Henke (Metropolitan College of New York)
- Drugs in the Caribbean: The "Shiprider" Controversy and the Question of Sovereignty.
by Holger Henke (Metropolitan College of New York)
(This paper was published in European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 64, (June 1998), 27-47, and is no longer available as a download)
- Upholding Democracy? Recent Political and Economic
Trends in Post-Intervention Haiti and Future Prospects.
by Holger Henke (Metropolitan College of New York)
(This paper was published in Documentos de Trabajos 29, (ISBN 83-85620-47-8), Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CESLA) at the University of Warsaw, Poland, (1998), pp. 5-15, and can be obtained from this institution)
- An Outmoded Notion of Sovereignty
(Text originally published in Trinidad and Tobago Review 19 [Nos. 7-9, Independence Day]: 7-11 and made available to us through the kind permission of the author)
- "Towards an Ontology of Caribbean Existence”
by Holger Henke (Metropolitan College of New York)
- "Constructing cultural identity: the question of Caribbean existence" (by Merle Jacob) and "Commentary on Merle Jacob's 'Constructing cultural identity.'"
by Holger Henke (Metropolitan College of New York)
- El Gran Caribe
by Norman Girvan (University of the West Indies, St. Augustine)
(John Clifford Sealy Memorial Lecture, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, April 5, 2001)
- Language, Faith, and Healing in Jamaican Folk Culture
- Remembering C.L.R. James
by Norman Girvan (University of the West Indies, St. Augustine)
(Paper prepared for Seminar on "Remembering C.L.R James,"
Department of Behavioural Sciences, UWI, St Augustine
May 8, 2000)
- The Politics of Labelling Popular Musics in the English Caribbean
by Jocelyne Guilbault (University of California, Berkeley)
- Postcolonial Encounters and the Caribbean Diaspora: "Encancaranublado" by Ana Lydia Vega
- The author as anthropologist. Some West Indian lessons about the relevance of fiction for anthropology
- Liming in Trinidad: The art of doing nothing
[Text originally published in Folk Vol.32 (1990) and made available to us through the kind permission of the author]
- Les abolitions francaises de l'esclavage: 1789-1848 (In French)
by Dominique Chatuant (College Raymond Sirot, Gueux, France)
- Peoples of the Jumbled Lands: The Republic of Hispaniola and Bibliography
(Article originally published in: Creole Connection (5) 3 (Issue 18, July/August/September 1999), 12-18. Copyright by Michel-Rolph Trouillot 1999, reproduced with author's permission).

Papers published in VICS - Caribbean Studies Research Papers pages are copyrighted by their respective authors, who are responsible for the contents of their work. VICS rejects any responsibility in case that a paper contains materials infringing on the copyrights of any third parties or makes libellous statements.
(C) VICS 2000-2005
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