You have reached my anime page

This is where I will have reviews of all of the anime that i own. Please be patient as I have alot of anime and very little free time.

AD Poloce (subtitled)

Area 88 (subtitled)

Crying Freeman (episode 1, dubbed)

Dirty Pair (episode 1,dubbed)

Dominion Tank Police (acts 1&2, dubbed)

Doomed Megalopolis (act 1, dubbed)

Genocyber (tapes 1&2, subtitled)

Guyver (episodes 1&2, dubbed)

Macross 2 (episodes 1-4, dubbed)

Mermaids Scar (dubbed)

Ninja Scroll (dubbed)

Outlanders (dubbed)

Super Demensional Century Orguss(episodes 1-3, dubbed)

Venus Wars (dubbed)

Wicked City (dubbed)

Windaria (dubbed)

OK the reviews will come, slowly but they will come, if you want to write a review then drop me a line at

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The Pants of Fritz The Writting on the Walls Make-up Anime

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