Welcome to the Jadavpur University Home Page
JU Motif

This is the as yet unofficial home page for the Jadavpur University on the web. It will grow over the weeks to come, into what I hope, will be a good enough approximation of the very high standards of excellence, that can be attributed to this institution. While I'll be concentrating mainly on the Electrical Engineering Department, I've left enough options open, for the expansion of my design, to include the other departments and aspects of the university as well. As such, suggestions and contributions will be most welcome from everyone.

Please spend some time registering your name in the Alumni List

Have a look at the Alumni List

This page is maintained by Saikat Ghosh (BEE 1996)

Please send your comments to saycat@hotmail.com

Acknowledgements :

Sayan Mitra ~ BEE 1998

Tirthankar RayChaudhuri ~ BEE 1981

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