August 9, 2004
It's a girl, Alyson Jade...6lbs 12oz...19in long...!!!


Hi, and welcome to the all new MoZz's Land, formally known as "MoZz's Land Of Ya-yas;  The Land With Large Fuzzy Dice." This new site, although different, still has the same meaning behind it. It is ment to let people into the life of this person , MoZz. The home page right now is the only different look. The links on the left hand side still will take you to the old pages. There are new links that were added to the list of links. These are, "The Wedding", "The Baby", And "Archive". These links do not have a page connected to them yet. I am trying to work on this site everyday after work to get it totaly up to date.

In the future, this site will be more devoted to  MoZz and his family, and more about his dream of 42 productions.
Enjoy, and hope to see you around.          -Adam (MoZz) Maassel