Welcome to my Guestbook!

Chris Tatarnic - 10/27/00 18:33:46
My Email:chris@brocku.ca
Age: 39
Where you are from: St.Catharines, ON, Canada

Can't thank-you enough for this info for the Home Winemaker! Quick question: if you've achieved your 1.000SG and your happy with the taste result (thus leaving about 2-Brix of residual Sugar), what is the best way to STOP the fermentation and Stabilize the wine?...How about 20ml of SO2 per 20L or eqv. to 20ppm SO2?

Kristen - 10/21/00 21:08:49
My Email:krist_mas@hotmail.com
Age: Wouldn't you like to know!
Where you are from: Canada, eh?!

Hey Mich, Like your site it groovy (70's talk). Neat guestbook I have to get one too. Well, its nice hanging out with you this year. Tons of fun! See you in a few...BUCKS...WOOHOOO!

Micheline Raissle - 10/21/00 19:02:34
My Email:fina@sunweb.ch
Age: 32
Where you are from: Switzerland

was interesting to reed about an other person with the same name as I have. Wish you all the best.

BermyRomeo - 07/09/00 20:03:41
My Email:jade@northrock.bm
Age: 28
Where you are from: Bermuda

I love your site Mich. You are really talented. I wish you all the best in your future endevours

Rudy Huften - 06/01/00 18:28:49
My Email:rhuften@hotmail.com
Age: 23
Where you are from: Orillia

How's your summer going? I don't mind working as I can final start paying of some of my student debt. See you around the school in the fall Rudy

The Big "M" - 05/24/00 15:56:05
Age: Young as a Spring Chicken!!!!
Where you are from: The proud Canadian!!

Just testing to see if it works. Rumour has it doesn't. If this appears on the guestbook than I guess it does!!!!!

Edna Hagan - 05/23/00 21:21:05
My Email:eh95aa@sandcastle.cosc.brocku.ca
Age: Too old:-)
Where you are from: Ghana

This is a great site and very informative too! Have a great Summer and hope to see you around.Keep up the good work!

The Big "K' - 04/29/00 02:00:19
My Email:krystynarybak@hotmail.com
Age: 24
Where you are from: The best province of Ontario

Your web site keeps getting better! Cool layout. What about my suggestion about adding animated male strippers? Regardless, it's a neat web page.

Sean McDougall - 04/20/00 14:53:59
Age: 21
Where you are from: PEI, Canada

Hi Micheline :-) I thought I'd drop by and sign your guestbook before you got too worried. I don't have anything witty to say though, so bye for now!

Houdini Fredson Formigoni - 04/04/00 23:10:21
My Email:fred_jd@zipmail.com.br
Age: 28
Where you are from: Brazil

Looking for friends around the world... If wanna know something about Brazil.. I'm here...!!! bye...

Micheline Formigoni - 03/21/00 04:40:35
My Email:micheline69@hotmail.com
Age: 26
Where you are from: Brasil

I'm living in Panama 17 years ago, but i am from Brazil... well, maybe you want chat with me...my icq number #56592320 bye....

Micheline - 09/21/99 10:21:39
Age: N/A
Where you are from: Akron ,Ohio

Never have met anyone with the same name. I hated this name when I was a kid, but now I am proud of it. Ir was my grandmother's also.

Marizel Llagas - 06/13/99 01:45:10
My Email:Llagas@mto.gov.on.ca
Age: very young
Where you are from: St. Catharines

Great webpage. Terrific! U Go Girl! The movie Notting Hill was fantastic, wasn't it. Now here we are at Crabby Joe's ..... cool ! 06/12/99

Donna - 06/10/99 12:30:22
My Email:edm2381@hotmail.com
Age: 24
Where you are from: Nouveau Brunswick

Salut Micheline, ta page est super cool!!! Tu parles de nous... c'est bien!!!

Sparkle - 06/04/99 23:41:14
My Email:mo96ad@badger.ac.brocku.ca
Age: 21
Where you are from: Ontario

Great page Mich!! I need to get around to making one!!

Sparkle - 06/04/99 23:41:01
My Email:mo96ad@badger.ac.brocku.ca
Age: 21
Where you are from: Ontario

Great page Mich!! I need to get around to making one!!

Dad - 05/03/99 22:32:15
Age: ??
Where you are from: New Brunswick

Great job Mich!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!

Martin Mousseau - 04/30/99 14:58:34
My Email:martinmousseau44@hotmail.com
Age: 23
Where you are from: Kanata, Ont.

like what i c mich take care

Mom - 04/26/99 14:51:50
Age: ??
Where you are from: Ontario

Great page Mich!!!!!!!!!

Scott - 03/24/99 00:48:17
My Email:sn98ab@badger.ac.brocku.ca
Age: 20
Where you are from: St.Catharies, Ontario

I like the webpage, now you have to show my how to make one.

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 00:01:15

Je n'aime pas vraiment votre page. Elle ne pensent pas que c'est très intéressant. Vous devriez l'essayer encore. J'espère que ceci aide. Bonne Chance!

Krystyna Rybak - 03/17/99 04:20:11
My Email:kiki@vaxxine.com or kiki@attcanada.net
Age: 23
Where you are from: Ontario

You better remember me Mich! I know we haven't talked for a while, but come on, it hasn't been that long has it? If it was I truly apologize. If it's any consolation, I think the picture you have of Oscar is coooool. I have one suggestion though, and hat is to have some guys animated to strip. That will really attract viewers. Oscar is cute, but not that cute. Too da loo Krystyna

Maria - 03/16/99 15:26:44
My Email:ma96al@badger.ac.brocku.ca
Age: 21
Where you are from: St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada

I liked your webpage. It was very colourful and it had nice graphics. The links to the music sites were cool!

Micheline - 03/12/99 16:12:22
Age: 22
Where you are from: Canada

Hello there well I think this works this time. I hope so!!!! Anyways I'm just testing this out.

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