Mohammad Atiq ur Rahman
General Secretary
Pakistan Society of Geographic
Information Systems
I graduated in Urban Development Planning and
Environmental Management from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
in August 1997. My special interest is GIS applications to Urban Development
Planning and Environmental Management. My research was on the Evaluation
of Health Impact of Tanning Industrial Effluent in Kasur, Pakistan. My
brief C.V. is as under:
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Mohammad Atiq ur
Date of Birth: March 15, 1967
Nationality: Pakistani
Contact Address:
Human Settlements Development Program,
School of Environment, Resources and Development,
Asian Institute of Technology, P. O. 4,
Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120,
Phone: (66-2) 524-5612
Fax: (66-2) 524-6132 (Attn. ATIQ)
Permanent Address:
78 - Al Habib Park, Chowk Out Fall Road,
Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Phone (Pakistan) (92-42) 7229108
January 96 to August 97
M.Sc. in Urban Development Planning and
Environmental Management with excellent grade for research thesis entitled
"Assessment of Health Impact of Tanning Industrial Effluent in Kasur, Pakistan"
from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
Major Interest: GIS applications
to Spatial Analysis, Health and Urban Environmental Management.
February 1986 to August 1991
B.Sc. in City and Regional Planning with
Honors and First Position from University of Engineering and Technology,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Distinctions and Awards:
Awarded with the fellowship for "Regional
Education Development Program" offered by Government of Japan.
Awarded with scholarship by the Government
of Japan for graduate studies in Urban Planning, Land and Housing Development
under the Government of Japan Scholarship Program.
Selected as one of the 10 Young Planners who
were chosen from all over the world and got special sponsorship from UNESCO
to participate in the Young Planners Workshop in the 33rd World Planning
Congress 14-20 September 1997 held in Ogaki - Japan. This conference was
organized by the International Society of City and Regional Planners.
Got first position in final year in the City
and Regional Planning Department, University of Engineering and Technology,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Awarded with a Merit Award from the Education
Minister of Pakistan and the Governor of Punjab in respect of useful research
of National Importance. This research was entitled as " Planning Guidelines
for District Level Town Planners in Punjab, Pakistan". This thesis
was also appreciated by the Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan.
Most of the functions of town planners recommended in this thesis were
adopted by various municipalities and district councils in Punjab.
Voluntarily worked for an NGO (Anjuman Ikhwan
e Islam) working for educational uplifting in Pakistan and designed all
of the buildings including college, stadium, educational complex, hostel,
technical training center, and overall master plan for the project area.
Currently serving as the General Secretary
of the "Pakistan Society of Geographic Information System (GIS)”.
This is the only organization, which is working for the GIS technology
transfer to the planning institution in Pakistan and organizing GIS training
workshops in Pakistan. I am also the pioneer of this organization and we
have over 200 members from Pakistan and abroad.
Country Editor (Pakistan) for GIS Asia
International Presentations and Publications
"Study on the Improvement of Environmental
Issues Caused by Industrial Activities in Kasur, Pakistan" by Dr. Hideharu
Morishita and Mohammad Atiq ur Rahman in the International conference organized
by ISoCaRP – JAPA 33rd World Planning Congress on the theme: Risk Assessment
and Management: Planning for an Uncertain Future, Ogaki, Japan, 17-20 September
"Transfer of GIS Technology for Planning:
Establishment of Pakistan Society of GIS" by Dr. Hideharu Morishita and
Mohammad Atiq ur Rahman in the International Conference on the 20th Anniversary
of the Human Settlements Development Program of the Asian Institute of
Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (10-13 December 1997).
“Future Guidelines for Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) Development in Pakistan”, in the International Workshop on
GIS Applications to Resource Management and Environmental Planning, held
in Islamabad, Pakistan, February 17-18, 1998.
“Transfer of GIS Technology for Urban
and Regional Planning”, in International Conference on the theme: Spatial
Information Technology towards 2000 and Beyond: Geoinformatics ’98, Beijing,
China (17-19 June 1998).
International Workshop on “PANGAEA:
Gaming and Simulation for Sustainable Development” organized by United
Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan and School
of Environment, Resource and Development, Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand, (4-7 August 1998).
“Impact of Institutional Detriments
of Environmental Protection Law for River Waters in Pakistan: A case study
of River Ravi” by Mohammad Atiq ur Rahman and Mohammad Kashif. The 34th
International Planning Congress on the theme: PLANNING FOR LAND AND WATER
held in Azores, Portugal from 26 September to 2 October 1998.
Computer Proficiency
Microsoft Office Applications, SPSS, GIS
software ArcView3a and PC/ARC/INFO, Location- allocation decision support
system (LADSS).
Professional Affiliation
International Society of City and Regional
Planners (ISoCaRP)
Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners,
Pakistan Institute of City and Regional Planning
Pakistan Society of Geographic Information
Systems (PSGIS)