Thought of the Day
A note about the thought*
These are thoughts that come strait out of my head. Some have been inspired but as far as I know they are original. I have been sending out the Thoughts as an email for about a year now and most people seem to enjoy receiving them. All thoughts on Mondays are simple, one word items. This allows you to interpret them in your own way. If you like what you see here and you want to be part of the Thought of the Day sent by email, Sign my Guestbook. ENJOY!!
Thoughts are on vaction for the month of May. Please come back in June for the brand new thoughts of the day.
Top Ten:
10-People say when applying suntan lotion away from a beach "Wow that suntan lotion smells like the beach!" Well does the suntan lotion smell like the beach or does the beach smell like suntan lotion?
9-El Nino is a strange a phenomeon that definately needs to be researched. It may cause changes in weather patterns and climate conditions (scientist aren't fully sure about what happens), however it's not a scape goat. For example, if the rainforest freezes (a very unlikely event) then yes you might want to blame it on El Nino, but if you go out hunting and have a bad day and can't find any prey, then it's probably not appropriate to blame El Nino. In another aspect though if your primary language is Spanish and you come home and there is crayon marks all over the walls.... then yes it is probably appropriate to blame El Nino (translation: the child).
8-Dryers are vacuumes to another dimension to which only one sock may pass and never see it's mate again.
7-A person who is always learning lives by the letter Y.
6-I believe that love is the most abstract word possible. To have one set definition of love is impossible eventhough Webster's defines it as "love- intense affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; a strong feeling of attraction resulting from sexual desire; enthusiasm or fondness; score of zero in tennis." To fully grasp the meaning of the word is when you get a hug from someone and it sends this warm secure feeling through out your body, or when you sacrafice to show a "loved" one that you care and are there for them. Love cannot be expressed in words but must be expressed in emotions,actions, and feelings. So today just think about what the word love means to you, who you love, and who loves you b/c love is one of the greatest, and important things to find and have in life.
5-Days seem to last forever, weeks are gone in a flash, months creep up on you from behind, and the years seem to pass like days.
4-Hope that you never realize how much you know until you forget it. This would be a bad thing. Would you ever realize that you lost knowlege because if it's lost then how would you know it's there and you lost it. If you remember that you lost a it truely lost?
3-New thoughts originate from the old, so the more old ones you know the more new ones you can formulate.
2-Can you ever be thinking of nothing? If you are sitting there trying to think of nothing then you are thinking about thinking about nothing. Maybe I'm just thinking to much about thinking. What do you think that i'm thinking? I think i'll stop here.
1-Everything is made of matter and all matter is made of atoms. These atoms are made up by protons, nutrons and electrons w/ a majority consisting of space in which the electrons are spinning. Therefore if most of the atom is made up of empty space then isn't everything mostly nothing.
Do you have a favorite Thought of the Day that should be here instead?
Thoughts for the Week (4/27/98):
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