Hans Erich Myors - 11/01/99 00:25:25 My URL:/pprayers My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com Age: a little grey on top Favorite saying/ quote: "Keep pedaling!!" Favorite song: Shalom Aleichem How did you get here: Geocities Ring | Comments: Shalom from a fellow member of the Geocities Ring. |
Andrea - 10/13/99 23:06:00 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Breakers/4915 My Email:andrea_still@hotmail.com How did you get here: SOS Webring | Comments: Nice site! I'm just visiting the sites on the SOS webring. I was just added to the webring today. |
Tacklebox - 10/04/99 02:31:40 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/5449 Age: Wouldn't you like to know! Favorite saying/ quote: "I love you" How did you get here: Duh! I used the internet. | Comments: Nice web site. Are you still ballroom dancing? My beautiful wife, our two youngest children, and myself all squaredance. Try it if you get the chance. |
brizoomdawg - 05/29/99 21:56:40 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/6059/index.html My Email:brizoomdawg@yahoo.com Age: 37 Favorite saying/ quote: "son of a bitch"...Eric Cartman (South Park) Favorite song: Let 'Er Rip - Dixie Chicks How did you get here: was out surfin the web, caught a wave, found myself here. | Comments: nice site! Coincidentally, I used to live in 'Toon town, went to UofS, but graduated from SIAST. Now I live in Seattle. |
Dizzy_Angel - 01/08/99 13:13:52 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Center/9495 Favorite saying/ quote: keep your friends close and your enemies closer cause your friend could be your enemy undercover. Favorite song: (too many) How did you get here: College Park Web Ring | Comments: Real nice page. The graphics are good, and you are one of few people that can actually use english correctly on a web page! Keep up the good work. |
Goro^^ - 12/09/98 20:28:49 My URL:http://come.to/Goros My Email:97121185@student.napier.ac.uk Age: 19 Favorite saying/ quote: 'I can't be fucked' Favorite song: something by Everclear How did you get here: one of the webrings | Comments: I like the look of you page, what does it look like in summer? just thought I'd surf around before I go home, I'm from edinburgh in scotland, and I'd like to visit canada one day..byeeeeee |
Ryan (a.k.a Rhythms) - 09/10/98 15:34:17 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lagoon/6954/ My Email:rhythms@crazysexycool.com Age: 20 Favorite saying/ quote: "Fate can only take you so far. After that, it's up to you to take action." Favorite song: Hmm...Right now, It's "Push It" by Garbage. How did you get here: Just joined the SOS Webring. | Comments: Hi! Cool page you have here. Your Movie Quotes page is really good and detailed! I'm a student at the U of S too. I'm in my 3rd year taking Commerce. Please come and check out my page sometime and please sign the guestbook too. Take care. |
Danny (Ghost) - 08/28/98 01:31:38 My Email:ghost_weasel_inc@hotmail.com Age: 20 Favorite saying/ quote: u only live once so do it right the 1st time!!! Favorite song: the 1 by that group u know... How did you get here: i think its called INTERNET!!! DUH | Comments: I told u i'd do it. well take it easy babe and if u ever need me u know where 2 find me ;) catch u on the flip side. Later |
Flash - 07/27/98 08:06:27 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Field/3236 My Email:salighto@yahoo.com Age: 20 Favorite saying/ quote: Oh, so that's who you are? Favorite song: Anything funky How did you get here: just floated on by | Comments: You have a very nice page. Very pretty. Visit me sometime, and help me out! |
Mindie - 06/17/98 07:25:55 My URL:http://members.aol.com/madrigalm/index.html My Email:madrigalm@aol.com Age: ALMOST 21, so that makes me 20 Favorite saying/ quote: Hmmm... Favorite song: Kashmir, as done by Led Zepplin, not as ruined by silly rappers How did you get here: College Park Webring | Comments: Hiya! I really like your page here. Please be sure to stop by mine sometime when you have the time. My Geocities one is at collegepark/campus/1018/index.html; the link above is to my AOL page. They are quite different pages, so check them both out. K ep up the great work! ~~Mindie |
Sylvia - 05/21/98 16:44:31 My URL:http://www.queenofgeorgest.com My Email:queen@universe.com | Comments: You know what's kooky? I put answers in all of the categories in my entry below, but they didn't show up? What's wrong with your page Kari? Am I cursed? |
Sylvia - 05/21/98 16:42:57 My URL:http://www.queenofgeorgest.com My Email:queen@universe.com | Comments: Oops...Didn't realize this wasn't multiple choice! *LOL* Hey chickie...thanks for the fries and use of the phone...very amusing... *LOL* Now let's see if the infallible Kari can remember what I'm talking about... |
JILL - 04/26/98 03:37:26 My Email:jmh835@mail.usask.ca Age: not as old as you Favorite saying/ quote: "What Up!" or "YO YO YO!" Favorite song: anything that i can sing to How did you get here: in my car you came with me remember? | Comments: What up Kari P! You are sitting right beside me so i can't say anything bad. UMMMMMMMMMMM what else is there to write then? Well i can't think so i won't hurt myself and try. I will sign this later when i have more brain power, when that will be is a good question. ater......JILL |
Luis Aragon - 04/05/98 06:11:53 My Email:exquiisite.yahoo,cim Age: 19 Favorite saying/ quote: keep up the hard work and you will trespass all the frontiers know to the human race. Those who look and work hard acquiere and achieve their goals. Favorite song: Hotel California How did you get here: By chatting with precious, cuttie, intelligent, mind and soul grasping Chiquita. | Comments: Chiquita how are you I hope you are fine and are not depressed for what happen to your friend. Things like that happen so you should just get over and keep on going, cause life continues. Nothing ain't over until the fat lady sings. As for my last name you already got it in the name section. Has for my saying it is like mainly a thing I have in my mind always to do my best in order to set an example to my future generations, since my family has always been in poverty an uneducated and I feel I am the on y hope for that to end. Well enough about this stuff. Me right know I am doing homework and taking a short break to write to a precious girl. See you later darling, sweet angel, and like the song says ANGEL BABY. |
Walid Sabbagh - 03/14/98 07:48:52 My Email:walidahmad@hotmail.com Age: 29 Favorite saying/ quote: Nothing How did you get here: You gave me the URL | Comments: Nice home page I Like the blackground and the setup. Keep up the good work. |
adam - 03/05/98 19:25:23 My Email:apmiller@tx.ncsu.edu Age: somewhere in the prime of my life Favorite saying/ quote: "we don't stop `til we reach the top" How did you get here: from my mother's womb | Comments: wow! this is a neato web page! i wish i had one just like it. i had a wonderful time finding it. today i ate a chicken sandwich. El pollo frio esta como para chuparse los dedos! |
Ev Harder - 12/10/97 13:25:03 My Email:de.harder@sk.sympatico.ca Age: older than you How did you get here: You gave me the address | Comments: Very nice looking page my dear. Keep up the good work. We are very proud of you! |
Sylvia - 12/09/97 02:48:47 Age: I counted once, but I'm not in the mood today... Favorite saying/ quote: "It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it..." Favorite song: Just one? You're asking a lot from one of your minions...I'd say Brian Wilson, but I think I used that one already! *LOL* The Dance. How did you get here: If you can't remember, I'm not going to tell you. | Comments: What am I doing here again? I'm not sure...procrastinating from my homework. Besides, I know how exciting it is when people sign your book! Kari...where do you find time to do all this stuff? Aren't you supposed to be studying? Or are you done? Oh, TW, the improvements are great! You're much too creative for me. I've been working on mine(sssshhhhh...don't tell my Mom), but I've decided to keep everyone in suspense so I haven't linked anything yet...ah suspense.... |
MOM - 12/07/97 07:11:56 Age: old Favorite saying/ quote: "no" Favorite song: something lively How did you get here: space ship brought me | Comments: I hate filling out forms, but since it's for you I figured I would. Nice start to you page. You had better get busy on the construction before it snows! BUT!!, don't spend too much time at it your supposed to be studying!!! Grin! Love, MOM |
Koffee Kake - 12/05/97 00:25:51 My URL:http://meena.cc.uregina.ca/~jasterk My Email:jasterk@meena.cc.uregina.ca Age: 18 Favorite saying/ quote: I am slowly going crazy 1-2-3-4-5-6 Switch! Favorite song: It's too difficult to pick just one! How did you get here: I magically appearred here, *Pouf* | Comments: Hi! It looks good and I signed your book this time, not Jen's! I must agree with Lenore when she says to watch out for flying spoons, you can never know what she's up to:D Your pages look great! Have you heard, I may come visit you at the beginning of he new semester! Yeah! Ok, I've babbled enough, Ciao! |
Lenore (again) - 12/04/97 06:03:54 My URL:/CollegePark/Library/3731/ Favorite saying/ quote: Okee dokee, if you don't get the significance of this one, I'll have to get out the spoons...."Drove downtown in the rain, 9:30 on a Tuesday night, just to check out the late night record shop..." | Comments: |
Lenore! - 12/04/97 03:00:53 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/3731/ Age: 18 I think, but don't quote me on that... Favorite song: Since it's Xmas, I will go with that theme..."The Gift" How did you get here: Jen's page, where else... | Comments: Sorry I didn't sign sooner, but no one informed me when you got your page up and running! *LOL* Looks uniquely snazzy...I do have a favorite saying, but I'm working on it...I will report back in an hour! *LOL* Oh, and watch out for the spoons, Jen's b en secretly planning an ambush just before she leaves for Georgia. Just couldn't let her beat you without warning... |
Madelaine Fedorowich - 11/27/97 21:16:09 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Campus/5614 My Email:maf685@mail.usask.ca Age: 20 Favorite saying/ quote: same shit different pile Favorite song: Happy Birthday How did you get here: floated right on in | Comments: Love your site! But where do you get the time? You should be studying not wasting your time writting this page you silly girl. HE HE HE HE HE |
Lloyd - 11/26/97 03:56:46 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/researchtriangle/lab/3837 My Email:docs@mindless.com Age: 19 Favorite saying/ quote: Remember the last words of my uncle who said " A Truck.." How did you get here: Jen's Page | Comments: Nice start I might have to steel some things from you. Looking great. Keep up the good work and keep an Eye on jen for me:) |
mickey aka kari's favorite roommate - 11/23/97 07:21:34 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/2632 My Email:mickey_82@hotmail.com Age: 18 Favorite saying/ quote: hmm..me? quote anything? never...*LOL* ok... "EASY: a term used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals of a man" Favorite song: hmm...right now, it would be a tough choice between chumbawamba and our lady peace.... How did you get here: well...if you want to know the details..ask my parents...*laughs* | Comments: kari...hmm.... well, as you know i'd better write something really clever so you will remember who i am, since i never see you at all! *LOL* you know, pretty soon without you even realizing it, we will turn you into me eventually...*laughs* no, i don't think the world is ready for that. it's too darn ASTONISHING dammit! *laughing for an eternity* you know, i'm sensing a theme here...and you know what? you are just too smart! |