Recommended Links within the site:
Photo Album -- includes lots of pictures from when I was a baby until recently.
Experiences -- includes documentation of life experiences, including places I've visited and concerts I've attended.
Wishlists -- provides you a resource if you ever want to buy me a gift.
Social Justice -- provides some links and things I have found that relate to social justice and progressive politics. This page is still very much under construction.
Links to Friends:
Friends from High School
Trisha & Andy's Family Website -- This was their family website while they lived in Hawaii. They have since relocated to Lynchburg, OH.
Photographs of Trisha and Andy's Child, Braedon
Stacy, the DJ -- This is a link to Stacy's page on YES FM in Toledo, OH.
Friends from Witt World
Meghan -- A page involving some of the inside jokes of Meghan and I
Laura Kain's Wedding -- Laura was my radio show co-host at Wittenberg U.
Friends from OU
Ali's Website! -- Ali was one of my friends from Graduate Student Senate at OU.
Mike's OU page
Recommended Links to other sites:
Wittenberg University -- where I obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology.
Ohio University -- where I obtained a Master of Education in College Student Personnel.
My Professional Site -- includes my resume, professional portfolio, and downloadable Master's Paper.
My ebay -- this page introduces you to what I am currently selling on and what feedback my customers have provided me.
My -- this page shows my store of textbooks, books, CDs, etc. for sale.
Other more in-depth, personal links:
HTML Archives of my website -- this is the index to the archives of the site. It includes old pages that I created while an undergraduate, etc. with the links and things at that time. The information provided on these sites may not be accurate or up-to-date.
My LiveJournal -- This is personal information and if you don't wish to know me that closely, yet, then I would suggest you not visit this site.

Stacy and I writing for The Mustang, High School Newspaper LCHS Class of 1997
Email me at