| Getting Started - Interested or considering a career in pharmacy, get some general information at US Pharmacy Education and Practice web site.
- If you already have a degree and are considering further education, check out
the AACP's comparison on
Nontraditional PharmD programs.
Job Opportunities - Looking for a job? First, try looking at the listings at the Pharmacy Week Newsletter.
Here's a list of chain and retail pharmacies online:
Other sources for pharmacy and medical job opportunities:
Financial Aid Sites - Need money? Sure, we all do. Why not look for some grants at fastWEB.
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA on the WEB)
- here's your chance to complete this form just in time for those financial aid deadlines
(great for procrastinators like me).
National Honor Societies - Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society is a national pharmacy honorary which seeks to promote the advancement of the pharmaceutical sciences through the encouragement and recognition of sound scholarship.
- Golden Key National Honor Society is a nonprofit academic honors organization founded for the purpose of recognizing and encouraging scholastic achievement among students from all academic fields.
Pharmacy Technician Sites
- RxTrek
is a well-developed site by Andrew Cordiale containing a variety of pharmacy technician information.
If you are already a certified pharmacy technician and are looking for some CE, try
Other online pharmacy technician resources include:
Continuing Education Sites - Searching for some free CE? Look no further than Power-Pak Communications . The same people who have been providing free CE for years are now online. Also check out their online journal, Power-Graphs .
Other online CE sites include:
Pharmacy Sites
Science of Pharmacy
Reference Sites
Disease Specific Sites
Medical Sites
Career Sites
Local Sites
Personal Sites
Last modified 12 January 2000
Born on 6 October 1997
Maintained by Matthew Fair |