The Pharmacy Student Resource Center
Spanning the globe to provide a constant variety in medicinal information...
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swirlie indicates a new or fairly recent addition to The Pharmacy Student Resource Center

Recent additions include:
    6 Nov 2000
  • MT Reference Desk
  • 18 Aug 2000

  • Dr. Tritz's Infectious Disease Lectures 1999
  • John's Hopkins Infectious Disease
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    DO NOT use Advanced Syntax (AND, OR, NOT, NEAR)

    I am a recent graduate of the West Virginia University School of Pharmacy and I am currently employed in the pharmacy department of St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem, PA. This page was initially created while I was enrolled in pharmacy school and includes a variety of links that I found useful at the time. It is therefore worthwhile to mention the traditional disclaimer that I take no responsibility for the content of the links attached to this or any of the other indexed web pages that I have established. With that said, this still remains a particularly useful method for me to access particular web sites so I have decided to keep adding additional links to this site as time permits (therefore updates to this page are at a premium). However, if there is a subject, link, or other information that I have left out, please let me know and I'll add it in as soon as I am able. If you are interested, you can learn a little more about me or other famous people.

    If you have stumbled onto this page and have any comments or suggestions on how to improve this site,
    Why not give me your two cents worth 2 cents

    Or see who else has been here, otherwise, just send me some E-mail.

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    Matthew Fair.

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    Last modified 6 Nov 2000
    Born on 6 October 1997
    Maintained by Matthew Fair

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