Here is a basic list of offerings at this
- What's
A short summary of changes that have
been made.
- Notes on
things planned for these pages
Ideas for
this page; if you have more ideas, please fell free
to suggest them!
- Articles
on Illuminated Manuscripts
A variety of articles and links to articles on
illuminated manuscripts and early printed works.
Includes but is not limited to articles on making
paints, gilding, calligraphy, and other how-to type
articles; history, introductory, and other general
information type of articles; and links to medieval
books hosted on the web.
- An
Annotated Bibliography
An ever-growing
bibliography of books relevant to calligraphy,
illumination, and other aspects of book art. The
bibliography contains short reviews of the books,
and, if available, a link to a site related to the
book itself, or to the subject of the book. For
instance, the review of The Belles Heurs of Jean,
Duke of Berry also links to a site hosting about
10 .gifs of the manuscripts. Be aware that these
links are not included in the following section; what
is in one is not in the other.
- The Arte
of Limming
This is my transcription into current English of an
anonymous work of 1573, dealing with the chemistry--the
science--of period paints. It is currently a ROUGH DRAFT,
and does contain some unclear transcriptions. I will be
uploading a complete version soon, but this is available to
you now, as I can't be sure precisely when I will finish
correcting my draft. Copyright Elise C. Boucher,
- Links to
Other Sites
As the name implies. Generally
divided into sites hosting manuscript information,
sites hosted by organizations and individuals
interested in the book arts, and suppliers with
computer access.
- Gallery 1
of my less than stellar
- Gallery 2
Links to
single manuscript images
- Mission
A concise explination of my
in building this page, reprint information, and a short, short
- Read the Old Guestbook
old appplet just doesn't seem to accept input anymore; bless the
changes that Yahoo! has brought (harumph grumble grumble). The
old comments can still be read, though.
- Sign The New Guestbook
The only active guestbook I still have; the bleding things provided by Yahoo! always fail eventually.
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Copyright 1999, Elise (Elyse) C.