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Welcome to my Web Page.
I consider myself to be a Cybrarian of the First Degree. That is someone who is a trained Reference Librarian, but uses those skills in Cyberspace. [cybrarian manifesto]

The Question:

What shall we make of the Internet? It is a HUGE place with many starting points, many places of interest, and some not so interesting. The path one takes while trying to navigate around might seem twisted, just like this knot.

Please visit the library where I work.

What kinds of things am I interested in???
Guess you will have to look to find out.

Some links to entice you to browse some more...
A better weather channel
Our local 'big city' paper
Cool Site of the Day
Children's Literature Web Guide
Cool libraries on the Web!
Web evaluation is VERY IMPORTANT

Where I went to graduate school.
Places where I have lived -
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
West Virginia

Links to other Interesting things . . .

Links to pictures of places I have visited . . .


This many people have visited me so far - Counter

Please come back and visit again soon.
Last updated on June 19, 2007. Send comments to me at Yahoo.