(click on the red-spin sign to see the article)

Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems. Rene Descartes (Discours de la Methode)

Refereed Papers published or in Press

  1. Morlet D, Couderc JP, Touboul P, Rubel P. Wavelet analysis of high-resolution ECGs in post-infarction patients: role of the basic wavelet and of the analyzed lead. Int J Biomed Comp, 1995;39: p. 311-325.
  2. Rubel P, Couderc JP, Morlet D, Fayn J, Peyrin F, Touboul P. Spectral analysis of high-resolution ECGs. Ambulatory Electrocardiographic monitoring. Moss AJ. and Stern S. Eds, WB Saunders , 1995, p. 291-314.

  1. Couderc JP, Fareh S, Chevalier Ph, Fayn J, Kirkorian G, Rubel P, Touboul P. Stratification of Time-Frequency Abnormalities in the Signal Averaged High-Resolution ECG in Post-Infarction Patients and Congenital Long QT Syndrome. J Electrocardiol, 1996; 29 (suppl):180-88
  2. Rubel P, Hamidi S, Behlouli H, Couderc JP, Fayn J, Maison-blanche P, Miquel M, Coumel P, Touboul P. Are serial Holter, Late potential, and wavelet measurement clinically useful? J Electrocardiol, 1996; 29 (suppl):52-61

  1. Couderc JP, Zareba W. Contribution of wavelets to the non-invasive electrocradiology. ANE, 1998;3:54-62
  2. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Burattini L, Moss AJ. Beat-to-beat repolarization variability in LQTS patients with the SCN5A sodium channel gene mutation. J Electrocardiol, 1998; 31 (suppl):134 .
  3. Burattini L, Zareba W , Rashban E, Couderc JP, Moss AJ. T wave Alternans features in coronary artery disease and long QT syndrome patients. J Electrocardiol, 1998;31 (suppl):114-20 .
  4. Couderc JP, Burattini L, Zareba W , Moss AJ. Beat-to-beat repolarization variability in LQTS patients with the SCN5A sodium channel gene mutation. PACE, 1999 (in press).

Proceedings of the IEEE Society Press

  1. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Burrattini L, Konecki J A, Moss A J. Detection of Abnormal Time-Frequency Components of the QT interval using Wavelet Transformation Technique. In proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol 24: 661-664.

  1. Burattini L, Zareba W, Couderc JP, Titlebaum E L, Moss A J. Computer Detection of Non-Stationnary T wave Alternans using a new correlation Method. In proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol 24: 657-660.

  1. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Moss AJ. New-method for the quantification of beat-to-beat T wave temporal variability based on interscale changes in wavelet transform of the ECG : Application to simulated ECG signals. Proc IASTED int conf 1998 , IEEE (Spanish Section): 213-216.

  1. Burattini L, Zareba W, Couderc JP,Konecki JA, Moss A J. Optimizing ECG Signal Sampling Frequency for T-Wave Alternans Detection. In proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press, (in press).
  2. Couderc JP, Nomura A, Zareba W, Moss AJ. Heterogeneity of venticular epolarization morphology measured using orthogonal wavelet time-scale deconposition of the surface ECG. In proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 1999, IEEE Computer Society Press, (in press).
  3. Couderc JP, Fischer S, Corsello A, Daubert JP, Konecki JA, Zareba W. Wavelet analysis of spatial dispersion of P-wave morphology ihn patients converted from atrial fibrillation. In proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 1999, IEEE Computer Society Press, (in press).
  4. Kallert T, Couderc JP, Voss A, Zareba W. Semi-automatic method quantifying T wave loop morphology: Relevance for assessment of heterogeneous repolarization. In proceeding of Computers in Cardiology 1999, IEEE Computer Society Press, (in press).


Abstracts published or in Press for international congress

  1. Couderc JP, Morlet D, Fayn J, Kirkorian G, Rubel P, Touboul P. A new efficient method to detect the patients prone to ventricular tachycardia using the orthogonal wavelet transform of high-resolution ECGs. Circulation, Vol 90, No 4, Part 2, p. 1232.
  2. Couderc JP, Chevalier Ph, Fareh S, Fayn J, Kirkorian G, Rubel P, Touboul P. Time-Scale Analysis of Signal-Averaged High-Resolution Electrocardiograms in Post myocardial infarction Patients Prone to Ventricular Tachycardia. Japanese Circulation J, Vol 60, Suppl. I, p 539.

  1. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Moss AJ. Wavelet transformation method to quantify repolarization abnormalities in LQTS patients with SCN5A Sodium channel mutation. Circulation, Vol 96, No 8, p. I-325.

  1. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Moss AJ. Wavelet analysis of short-term beat-to-beat variability of repolarization in LQTS patients with SCN5A mutation. JACC, Vol. 31 , No 2, p. 192A.

  1. Burattini L, Zareba W, Couderc JP, Konecki JA, Moss AJ. Non-stationarity of microvolt T wave alternans in long QT syndrome patients. JACC, Vol. 31, No 2, p. 193A.
  2. Burattini L, Zareba W, Couderc JP, Moss AJ. Detection of non-stationnary T-wave alternans: new-correlation method compared to spectral method.Annual Conference of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology, Keystone (Colorado), April 18-23, 1998.
  3. Zareba W, Rosero S, Nejad-Sattari M, Couderc JP, Konecki JA, Moss AJ. Distinct QRS morphology in patients with the SCN5A Sodium channel gene mutation (LQT3). PACE 1998, Vol. 21 , No 4, p. 835.
  4. Zareba W, Nejad-Sattari M, Couderc JP, Rosero S, Konecki JA, Moss AJ. Alteration in P wave morphology and prolongation of PR interval duration in the long QT syndrome patients with SCN5A sodium channel gene mutation. PACE 1998, Vol. 21 , No 4, p. 851.
  5. Chevalier P, Miquel M Couderc JP, Kirkorian G, Defaye P, Bonnefoy E, Rubel P, Touboul P. Time-Frequency analysis of high-resolution ECG in patients with congenital long QT syndrome: Evidence for isolated intra-QRS abnormalities. PACE 1998, Vol. 21 , No 4, p. 884.
  6. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Konecki JA, Ruta J, Karcz M, Dubner S, Madoery C, Maison-Blanche P, Deedwania P, Vinolas X. Age and Gender related changes of beat-to-beat variability in amplitude of the repolarization segement in healthy subjects.. JACC, Vol. 33 , No 2, p. 113A.
  7. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Konecki JA, New technique for quantifying dispersion of ventruclar repolarization morphology in digitized ECGs. JACC, Vol. 33 , No 2, p. 351A.
  8. Fisher S, Corsello A, Couderc JP, Konecki JA, Daubert JP, Zareba W. Is heart rate variability meaningful in patients with atrial fibrillation? PACE 1999, Vol. 22 , No 4, p. 814.

Abstracts published or in Press for European Congress

  1. Couderc JP, Morlet D, Rubel P, Touboul P. Analyse de l'électrocardiogramme à haute-résolution en vue du pronostic des TV et des morts subites. Mise en oeuvre de méthodes temps-échelle et temps-fréquence. INSERM, Deuxième colloque régional Rhône-Alpes Auvergne Bourgogne, Lyon (France), 16-17 décembre 1993, p. 17 (in french).
  2. Couderc JP, Morlet D, Rubel P, Touboul P. Application de la transformation en ondelettes à l’ECG-HR pour la discrimination des patients avec et sans tachycardie ventriculaire après infarctus. ITBM, VII Forum Jeune chercheur, Lyon (France), 26-27 mai 1994, p. 50-51 (in french).
  3. Arnaud P, Forlini MC, Couderc JP. Préexcitations ventriculaires : reconstruction en 3D de l'activité électrique naturelle de la zone soumise à préexcitation. XI European colloquium on vectocardiography and quantitative electrocardiology, Brussels (Belgium), October 13-14, 1995, p. 18 (in french).
  4. Fareh S, Couderc JP, Kirkorian G, Chevalier P, Fayn J, Rubel P, Touboul P. Analyse de l'électrocardiogramme haute-résolution par la transformation en ondelettes dans la dysplasie arythmogène du ventricule droit. XI European colloquium on vectocardiography and quantitative electrocardiology, Brussels (Belgium), October 13-14, 1995, p. 34 (in french).
  5. Couderc JP, Morlet D, Fayn J, Kirkorian G, Rubel P, Arnaud P, Touboul P. Transformation en ondelettes orthogonales de l'électrocardiogramme haute-résolution moyenné pour la détection des sujets à risque de tachycardie ventriculaire. XI European colloquium on vectocardiography and quantitative electrocardiology, Brussels (Belgium), October 13-14, 1995, p. 28 (in french).
  6. Couderc JP, Chevalier Ph, Fareh S, Fayn J, Kirkorian G, Rubel P, Touboul P. Wavelet Analysis of Signal-Averaged High-Resolution Electrocardiograms in Post myocardial infarction Patient Prone to Ventricular Tachycardia. In: Groupe de Reflexion sur la Recherche Cardiovasculaire, April 1-3 1996 Lyon (France), p 114.
  7. Chevalier Ph, Couderc JP, Kirkorian G, Defaye P, Fareh S, Bonnefoy E, Rubel P, Touboul P. Wavelet Analysis of Signal-Averaged Electrocardiograms in Patients with Congenital Long QT Syndrom: Evidence for isolated Intra-QRS Abnormalities. In: Groupe de Reflexion sur la Recherche Cardiovasculaire, April 1-3 1996 Lyon (France), p 115.

  1. Fareh S, Couderc JP, Kirkorian G, Chevalier P, Fayn J, Rubel P, Touboul P. Wavelet Transform Analysis of High Resolution Electrocardiograms in Patients with arythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia. In: 1st International Symposium on arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia-cardiomyopathy,, June 16-18 1996 Paris (France), 8/27.
  2. Chevalier Ph, Couderc JP, Kirkorian G, Fayn J, Defaye P, Fareh S, Bonnefoy E, Rubel P, Touboul P. Wavelet Analysis of High-Frequency Signal-Averaged Electrocardiograms in Patients with Congenital Long QT Syndrom. Evidence for isolated Intra-QRS Abnormalities. In: European Society of Cardiology, August 25-29 1996, Birmingham (UK), p 126

  1. Couderc JP, Chevalier Ph, Fayn J, Kirkorian J, Miquel M, Rubel P, Touboul P. Analyse Des ECG haute resolution par transformation en ondelettes orthogonales. Application a la detection des sujets a risques de tachycardies ventriculaire. XII European colloquium on vectocardiography and quantitative electrocardiology, Lille (France), 1997 (in french).

  1. Rubel P, Couderc JP, Miquel M, Chevalier Ph, Fayn J, Kirkorian G, Touboul P. L'analyse temps-frequence des ECG a haute resolution. Methodes, Resultats et perspectives.XII European colloquium on vectocardiography and quantitative electrocardiology, Lille (France), 1997 (in french).

Abstracts published or in Press for American Congress

  1. Couderc JP, Zareba W, Burattini L, Moss AJ. Detection of T-wave abnormalities in patients with the SCN5A sodium channel mutation using wavelet technique.Upstate New-York Cardiac Electrophysiology Society, Seventh Annual Meeting, Rochester NY, October 31 1997.
  2. Burattini L, Zareba W, Couderc JP, Moss AJ. Non-Stationarity of Microvolt T Wave Alternans in Long QT Syndrome PatientsUpstate New-York Cardiac Electrophysiology Society, Seventh Annual Meeting, Rochester NY, October 31 1997.

Submitted for publications.


1994-1995: Three-years grant from the French Ministry of Research.

1996 : One-year grant from the ‘Institute of Electricity and Health.

1997 : Fellow from Marquette Medical System.

Reviewer in International Journals

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing
Journal of the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering.

Journal of Electrocardiology
Official Journal of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology and the International Society of Electrocardiology.

Annals of Non-Invasive Electrocardiology
Official Journal of the International Society for Holter and Non-Invasive Electrocardiology.

Awards and Lectures in International Congress.

Winner of The Jos Willems Young Investigators Competition of the 23st Annual Conference of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology, Keystone (Colorado) April 18-23, 1998.

One of the finalist of The Jos Willems Young Investigators Competition of the 21st Annual Conference of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology, Chendler (Arizona), April 20-25, 1996.

Invited lecturer by the Japanese Circulation Society in the 60th annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Circulation Society, Osaka (Japan), March 19-21, 1996.

Co-author in an invited lecturer by the European Society of Cardiology in the XVIIIth Congress, Birmingham (UK), August 25-29, 1996.