Couderc, Ph. D.
French nationality.
Date of birth: 06/05/69
Birthplace: Lyon (France), married
Phone: (716) 275-1096
Current Position
Assitant Professor of Medicine, University
of Rochester (Since January 1999)
University of
Rochester , 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 653, ( Heart
Research Follow-up Program).Rochester, NY 14642 (Lab.
head: Professor Arthur J. Moss).
Part-time MBA, (Since January 1999)
School of Business, 401 Schlegel Hall University of
Rochester, Box 270107, Rochester, New York 14627-0107
(716) 275-4409, FAX: (716) 271-8752
Post-Doctoral Position in University of
Rochester (1997-1998)
University of
Rochester , 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 653, ( Heart
Research Follow-up Program).Rochester, NY 14642 (Lab.
head: Professor Arthur J. Moss).
Research topic: Contribution of the wavelet analysis of
the ECG in non-invasive electrocardiology. Fellow from Marquette©
Medical System Company
Ph. D. in the field of Medical and
Biological Engineering (Thesis defended in January 1997).
National Institute of
Applied Sciences (Lyon), 20, avenue Albert Einstein,
69621 Villeurbanne CEDEX (Lab/ INSERM U121, Hopital
cadio-vasculaire BP Lyon Montchat 69394 Lyon Cedex 03
France, Lab. head and Ph. D. advisor: Professor Paul
Research topic: Time-frequency
and time-scale analysis of the signal-averaged
high-resolution electrocardiogram for the prediction of
post-infarction patients with ventricular tachycardia or
sudden death. Three years award from the French
Ministry of Education and Research (since 1993).
Pre-thesis Diploma (DEA) in Medical and
Biological Engineering 1993.
University of
Sciences Claude Bernard (Lyon I) , 8 avenue
Rockefeller 69373 LYON CEDEX 08, France. (Lab/ INSERM
U121). Option: Image and signal processing (passed with
Research topic: Application of the wavelet transform to
high-resolution signal-averaged electrocardiograms for
the discrimination of post-infarction patients with and
without ventricular tachycardia. Evaluation of different
Master of Sciences in the field of Medical
and Biological Engineering 1992.
University of
Sciences Claude Bernard (Lyon I), 8 avenue
Rockefeller 69373 LYON CEDEX 08, France.
Research topic: Analysis of the coagulum clot apparition
and of the tissue lesion induced by the radiofrequency
ablation.Practical Training performed in the department
of intensive care unit of the cardiovascular hospital of
Lyon (2 months and a half).Unit manager :Professor Paul
General University Degree (DEUG) A 1990.
University of
Sciences Claude Bernard (Lyon I), 8 avenue
Rockefeller 69373 LYON CEDEX 08, France.Option:
sciences.Section: Sciences and material engineering.
Technology University Degree (DUT) in
Electrical and Industrial data processing Engineering 1989.
Le Creusot,
Bourgogne University , France.Option: Automatism.
Teaching Activity
Teacher (monitor) in Medical University of
Saint-Etienne (1994-1996).
Medical University
of Saint-Etienne Jean Monnet, 34 rue Francis Baulier
42023 Saint-Etienne CEDEX 2, France.Lessons: Signal
processing of electrophysiological signals and images.
Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows 3.x, Windows 95-NT
Internet Applications
World Wide Web Publishing, Javascript
, cgi ,HTML (CSS), DHTML , Electronic Mail, FTP
Graphic and Design Tools
Microsoft: Word, Access, Power
Point, Excel, FrontPage, Publisher
Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMill, ImageReady
MISC: CoolEdit, Cold fusion, Bryce 3D,
POVRAY, PSP, Photoshop
Macromedia: Dreamweaver 2.0, Director 6.0
Data Processing
MATLAB (5.0, compiler 4.02), BMDP,
MiniTab, StatSys, Mapple
Programming Languages
Pascal, C/C++, JAVA