The InfoLair

Made with Macintosh Technology!

Your I/O Port in CyberSpace where Internet nonesense, somehow, makes good sense.

Franklin V. Cobos II - MS IV, LLUSM Med2000

Greetings beleaguered travelers!
I am your host, and I will be in charge of soothing your psyche,
calming the chaotic contents of your confused cranium,
steering you clear of the Sidewalk of Ignorance,
and pointing the way in your quest of SuperStops
on the Information SuperHighway.
Now class...settle down. Let's begin.

Go here to learn about my return for the second year of medical school.

Go here if you need to know about Apple's Newton technology.

Go here for some ideas on using computers in school.

Go here to get my favorite electronic texts.

Go here if you need to understand how to study.

Go here for a coveted glimpse into my hobbies (few) and interests (far between) outside of school.

Go here if you want driving directions you can actually use without getting lost going from point A to point B.

Go here to see satellite images of the weather just about anywhere on earth.

Go here to find out what diseases you'll catch as you travel internationally.

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