You have reached Rich Thomas's web site. I hope you enjoy my homepage as much as I enjoyed making it. I will be trying to add links to important URLs that will make life easier for searching for that information that everybody wants (or just some really neat oddities!) at a click of a mouse button. If you have any suggestions for me, email me with the link at the bottom of this page. Thanks!
Here are some more pictures of ME!!!
Please forgive me for not having the coolest homepage on Geocities, but I will do my best in time. Because time is money, and money applies to being a doctor, which is what I want to be someday, and loans, which I will have to pay back while I am a doctor....
This is my wonderful girlfriend Heather. You can see more pictures of her at the "friends" link
Speaking of money, I spent a lot on my Spring Break 1999 trip to Toronto. Check it out!!!!
See the
pictures from the National Convention trip to Memphis
Tennessee with Alpha
Epsilon Delta, Ohio Alpha Chapter.
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Computers and Sciences |
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Collecting Candles |
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Collecting Eeyore stuffed animals |
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Collecting Minerals and Fossils |
I am now attending:
Check out their homepage!
I am majoring in the medical studies (premed, well, actually molecular genetics, sorry.) at the OSU Main Campus (WOOHOO!!!!) in Columbus.
Until I learn the rest of the HTML language, I will not have links to all of their home pages. In the future I plan to:
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Add more pictures and sound. |
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Make my homepage more interactive. |
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Add some really interesting stuff, such as recipes for food and beverages. |
(A big accomplishment for such a busy college student and full time employee, I can assure you.)
In the quest of becoming a doctor, I am now working at Riverside Methodist Hospital as a Patient Care Technician (PCT) on the Open Heart Step-Down Unit (OHSD). In another words, that's RMH as a PCT on the OHSD Unit. My job mainly deals with the teaching and assisting with activities of daily living (ADL) to patients that have had open heart surgery, such as bypass surgery. Most patients have chest tubes and a foley in them when they come over, but within the normal stay of 4 to 5 days, we are saying goodbye to them and their new found friend, a teddy bear. They use this bear to hold against the healing incisions when they need to cough or move around. I plan on starting a list of all the names I have heard the bears been called soon.
I also maintain a website for my honorary premed organization (Alpha Epsilon Delta, Ohio Alpha Chapter).
Well, that about wraps it up, for now... *grin* I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my homepage and that you come back again soon!
Created by Richard Thomas
Revised: March 20, 2001