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Welcome Welcome Welcome to the Bill Streicher HOME OF WRESTLING!!!!!!
All I have to say is:
nWo 4 life
too sweeeeeeeeeet
        That's right, you've reached the one and only nWo, WWF, WCW, and Brecksville Swimming Wrestling page!!!!!

                                                                                        -  Nature Boy 82

                                                                                  -   Phil Gutman

                                                                                                                -  The Hoffy Show

        This is how I see it, and maybe I'm just crazy, but the nWo seems to be faltering.  They need something new something to spark a winning streak to crush the WCW with one swift blow.  Curt Henning was a great addition, but really, how long do you think it will be before he is feared by no one, and Ric Flair comes back and wips his ass, its obvious.  Its is why I'm calling for Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Micheals to leave the WWF and turn nWo.  Their time has come to shine, so let them be with the best.

        I guess I have to split this part into two sections:

        They are toooo sweet!  They represent all that is good with the nWo, and I only really follow them now.  The red and black have everyone important in WCW, and soon I think they'll have DDP.  The Wolfpac is unstoppable and with Sting, Nash, and Macho leading the way, the only way is up.

nWo Hollywood
        One word: WEAK!!!!!  When will Ahmed Johnson come to this group to save them from the weakness in Vincent????  They have no-one.  The Hitman has I guess fallen off the face of the planet cause he never does anything important.  The only good thing for nWo Hollywood is that Rodzilla is on the prowl.  Rodman was made for two sports, move over Bo Jackson and Deion Sanders.  He is the best.

        All the WCW has is Sting, and this has been displayed in many fashions.  One, whatever happened to the Giant's title shot, I know he gave one away to Luger, but didn't he have another.  Two, Ric Flair is too old to be a professional wrestler.  Three, the horsemen where never four, at most they were three and a half because I can't count Mongo as a wrestler.  And Finally four, the WCW has women challenging men to fights, something is wrong there.  They'll never catch the nWo at this rate.

        Does WCW even exist anymore?  All of the Heavyweight major names have gone nWo.  Only Goldberg and DDP remain as I see it.  Goldberg is a ratings plot, while DDP is going to join the Wolfpac sooner or later.  They are done, the nWo has taken over.  PLUS KARL MALONE IS A STIFF!!!!!

        WWF vs. nWo eh?  Sounds like a good transition for Shawn Micheals and Stone Cold to leave.  The Undertaker is the only other force left in the WWF, the rest is just gang fight between D.O.A., the Nation of Domination, and Los Bariquos, it makes me sick.  Kane sucks.  The Undertaker should still be the champion, Bret the Hittman suck.  Pillman's dead, the WWF is falling apart.

        DX baby, I have to say that they are pretty bold, but I still think that they are going to get a can of whoop ass eventually from Stone Cold.  I also give props to Austin, he was just setting his territory when he hit Tyson.  Tyson is coming and stealing what Austin has done for the entire wrestling business, and that is fan intrest.  Tyson you should stick to chewing on cartledge!

        Stone Cold is now the champ, and it looks like the Undertaker and Kane will be teaming up.  Did I call it or what?????  And what's this I hear about Ric Flair going to the WWF??  I hope its as a manager, HE IS TOOOOO OLD, GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLS!  Dx is pretty sweet, but thats only because they have X-Pac.  The WWF has regrouped itself and now has taken over in the ratings on Monday nights.  The gang wars in WCW/nWo just can't cut it anymore I guess.

        Brecksville Swimming and Wrestling, how does that figure together?  Well, sit down and I'll tell you.  I was on the Brecksville Swim Team before going ot Valpo.  Every year, we had a party at my house to finish out the year.  At this party we had the Royal Rumble, to find the grand champion of the swim team.  Last year's winner was Wade Hurley, who wasn't even on the team.  I finished second.  Now on to this year.
        Well since I'm not in Brecksville, I really don't have an accurate view on who could win but here are my top five.
1. Jodee Zalar - if she wrestles, and she gets pissed no one could stop this one man wrecking crew
2. Veronica Luri - if she wrestles, what can I say about the beast from the Middle East
3. Jackie Luri - she finished third last year, who knows maybe she'll rise to the top
4. Dave Farney - only because no girl will dare touch him, and the team doesn't have Mike Kasmeer to eliminate him anymore
5. Kristin Sacha - Well of course I had to pick her!  She fights back, kick punches, who knows may be the sleeper pick.

Everyone knows the WWF, so if you want some info got to my boys page here---->  John's Page

If you want to write to someone with the knowledge of wrestling, from Cleveland, and also understands Brecksville Swimming wrestling check out the guest book.


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