Class of ’63 - 40th Reunion Order Form

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________


Day Phone: _______________ Evening Phone: _______________ E-mail:__________________________

Textile order MUST BE RECEIVED by Friday, May 9!

Class of ’63  T’s and Sweats [All textiles are maroon with UC architectural logo in white.]

Short-sleeve T [$12 each] # ___ Med # ___ Lge # ___ XL # ___ XXL # ___ XXXL         Total: # ___ $ ______

Long-sleeve T [$13 each] # ___ Med # ___ Lge # ___ XL # ___ XXL                                Total: # ___ $ ______

Sweat Shirt     [$21 each] # ___ Med # ___ Lge # ___ XL # ___ XXL # ___ XXXL          Total: # ___ $ ______

         ___ I’ll pick up the goods at Reunion!

        ___ Please ship my duds to the address above.    

I’m adding shipping and handling fees as follows:     (Shipping charges are our actual cost)

                                    For T’s, $5 / per item                                                                      Total: # ___ $ _____

                                    For sweats, $7 / per item                                                                Total: # ___ $ _____


Sunday Lunch & Discussion [$15/person]                                                                        Total: # ____ $ ____

    Yes, I’m looking forward to it!                                     

    Piccolo Mondo gourmet sub preference is:

             __ turkey,  __ Italian (everything),  __eggplant,

             __veggie w/cheese,  __veggie w/o cheese,  __ mozarella/tomato/basil

    I would prefer: ___ pop ___diet pop ___bottled water                

    The dessert is a luscious surprise!

Memories Yes, I want a record of our Hoot and 40th Reunion events!

Items will be shipped to the address above in August, at no extra charge!

# ___ DVD                                  @ $20 = $ __________

# ___ Video cassette / VHS         @ $20 = $ __________

# ___ Audio cassette                     @ $10 = $ __________

# ___ CD                                      @ $15 = $___________

                                                                                                                                                Total: $ __________

                                                                                                                               GRAND Total: $ __________

For mailing information contact Class of '63.    To: Class of'63 Questionnaire    To:  home page