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meeting|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-m-11-24-02.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of thirth sublink "minutes 1-19-03 meeting|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-1-19-03-minutes.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of thirth sublink "12-02 letter to the Class of '63|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-dear_classmate_1202.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of third sublink "12-02 Placement & Comp Exam|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-place-comp.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of thirth sublink "63 Comprehensive -up 1-30-03|http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of thirth sublink " |http://www. .html|main;" // text|URL|target of thirth sublink menublock[1]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "|#|;" // text|URL|target of mainlink menublock[2]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "3;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "0;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "I N T E R A C T I V E|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "63 e-Discussion Group sign up|http://alumnireunion.uchicago.edu/1963.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "63 Placement & Comp Exam|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-place-comp.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of thirth sublink "UofC Trivia Quiz|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-63trivia-quiz.html |main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "Hoot Song Requests|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-hoot_requests.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of fourt sublink "Post a Poem ~ Read a Poem|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-post-a-poem.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of first sublink "FOTA 2003 Gallery Application|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-submission-form.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "Smyrd - Memory, Poetry, and Song Requests|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-smyrd_herd_memories.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "Smyrd Trivia Quiz|http://www.geocities.com/63/uc/w-40-smyrd_trivia_quiz.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "Enter comments in our Guest Book|http://geocities.yahoo.com/gb/sign?member=63uc|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "View archive 40th Guest Book posts|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-archive-geobookposts.html|main;"+ "View our 35th Guest Book|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/geobook.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of third sublink "Savor the Memories|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-goodiesorder.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of third sublink "Send a campus post card|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40_send_a_campus_post_card.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink " |http://www..html|main;" // text|URL|target of second sublink menublock[3]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "3;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "4;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "0;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "|#|;" // text|URL|target of mainlink menublock[4]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "0;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "A Peek at the Past '63 reunions|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "37th Reunion Home Page - Plus|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-37th-index.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "37th Reunion|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/hpage37invite.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "37th Reunion Report |http://www.geocities.com/63uc/37th_reunion_report.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "35th Reunion Home Page - Plus|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-35indxh.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink " |http://www. .html|main;" // text and URL of second sublink menublock[5]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "FOTA [Festival of the Arts]|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "FOTA History and Gateway|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-enter-fota.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "FOTA at reunion 2003|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota.html|main;"+// text and URL of first sublink "FOTA Opening Night Thur June 5th, 5-8pm|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-opening.html|main;"+// text and URL of first sublink "Student FOTA 2003|http://fota.uchicago.edu/|main;"+// text and URL of first sublink "FOTA Virtual Gallery 2003|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-virtual-gallery.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "FOTA Virtual Gallery Exhibitors 2003|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-vfota-exhibitors.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "FOTA Campus Gallery 2003 Submission Form |http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-submission-form.html|main;"+ // text|URL|target of second sublink "FOTA Memories etc.|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-past-memories.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "1998 FOTA|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-35th_fota.html|main;" // text and URL of first sublink menublock[6]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "|#|;" // text|URL|target of mainlink menublock[7]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "Thursday June 5, 2003|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "Afternoon FOTA Gallery Installation|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-hanging.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "Reunion Registration|http://alumnireunion.uchicago.edu/1963.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "FOTA Gallery Opening Night|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-fota-opening.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |MAILTO:dann@alumni.uchicago.edu|main;" // text and URL of first sublink menublock[8]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "Friday June 6, 2003|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "Career Seminar ~ all morning|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-career-seminar.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "Menu for Class Dinner|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-class-dinner-menu.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "HooT with the Best|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-hoot-home.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "HooT requests|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-hoot_requests.html|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink "Smyrd Memorial|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-smyrd_memorial.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "Smyrd Memories|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-smyrd_herd_memories.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |MAILTO:dann@alumni.uchicago.edu|main;" // text and URL of first sublink menublock[9]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "Saturday June 7, 2003|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "Uncommon Core & more|http://alumnireunion.uchicago.edu/uncommoncore.html|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink "look for postings in 5-03|http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |MAILTO:dann@alumni.uchicago.edu|main;" // text and URL of first sublink menublock[10]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "Sunday June 8, 2003|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "Architectural Boat Tour: up in 5-03|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/index.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "Lunch / Discussion with Dean Boyer|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-sunday-lunch-discussion.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "Hyde Park Art Fair|http://www.57thstreetartfair.org|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink "look for postings in 1-03|http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of second sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63uc.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |http://www.geocities.com/63u.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink " |MAILTO:dann@alumni.uchicago.edu|main;" // text and URL of first sublink menublock[11]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "|#|;" // text|URL|target of mainlink menublock[12]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic BT;"+ // font sublinks "2;"+ // fontsize sublinks "cccccc;"+ // fontcolor sublinks "1;"+ // fontweight sublinks, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "and we remember...|#|;"+ // text|URL|target of mainlink "our classmates....|http://www.geocities.com/63uc/w-40-andweremember.html|main;"+ // text and URL of first sublink "|#|;" // text|URL|target of mainlink menublock[13]="Comic Sans MS;"+ // font mainlink "2;"+ // fontsize mainlink "FFFFFF;"+ // fontcolor mainlink "1;"+ // fontweight mainlink, 1 means bold, 0 means normal "EngraversGothic 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University of Chicago Class of '63

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