Hobbies And Interest: Listening to music (Alanis, Jewel, Toni Braxton, Matchbox 20 etc...) Playing keyboards, computers (Surfin da net), cross-stitching (a little...), charcoal painting, watching movies, reading pocketbooks and my fave among them all : nature tripping, mountain climbing and shopping (aah my favorites, though rather not related)
Favorites: Color: blue and its shades... (obvious ba?) Drink: Iced tea, fruit juices Food: Spaghetti.. Palabok... inihaw (chicken, bangus, pork bbq, anyhow!)... sinigang (esply., with "gabi") Ice-Cream : "Dirty ice-cream" of Intel's Sorbetero...yumm...yummm..aammm..waw!! Song : Standing Right Next To Me, It Might Be You, Reaching Out, and a thousand more!!!!
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