This is my nanay
(mom) and tatay (dad), the best in the world!
My mother, Mely
to her amigas,
is a civic-oriented person, very maasikaso,
and patient. However, there are times
she's hard-headed, too. But what makes her so special... is that, she is
so open-minded that I can tell her my fears, my dreams, and all my secrets
(well, almost!).
My father, George
to his amigos,
is a principled man. Kinda serious-looking but do crack jokes once in awhile
(corny nga lang!).
He drives a jeepney for school service and loves to renovate our house
too often! He might have been a frustrated architect.
This is the whole
family at the beach. Notice what's common among us??? The high forehead!!!
(he,he) Defensively,
we say that it's a sign of intelligence and wit! However, we've
proved it naman, with all the respect people in the community is giving
These are the two new addition to our
family circle. Our princesses, Ia Mea and Katrina Raizza. Aren't they cute
and snobbish? Mana kay tita.... (Just like their aunt...)
Ia (pronounced as "aya") is Ate Mirla's
daughter while Karissa is Kuya Boboy's little princess.
These are my bodyguards (my nephews!
AJ, Ibot, and Daniel)... with my cousin Sadie Shane. Arvin (the youngest
of the thorns) is somewhere playing, so he's was not captured in the photo.